Diplomatic Agent Jackson to the Secretary of State.

No. 150. Bulgarian Series.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm the telegram just sent you, as follows:a

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As yet no acknowledgment has been received from the department of the receipt of my Bulgarian dispatches Nos. 121 and 130, of June 6 and 25, respectively.

It will be remembered that in view of previous instructions I felt authorized to propose that “reciprocal most-favored-nation treatment should continue to be applied in the commercial relations” between the United States and Bulgaria, and that the Bulgarian Government accepted my proposition, and put the arrangement in force on June 5 last, the elate of the proposition. Yesterday I received a note from the ministry of foreign affairs at Sofia, confirming the above, but stating that it was considered desirable, in order to conform with usage, that there should be an exchange of formal notes “establishing the reciprocal application of the treatment of the countries.” The Bulgarian authorities would like to have the contemplated exchange of notes taken place at Sofia before the end of October, if possible. I have written to Sofia at once for a draft of the proposed notes, and shall submit the same to you, when received, without delay.

I have, etc.,

John B. Jackson.
  1. Supra.