Minister Beaupré to the Secretary of State.
Buenos Aires, February 16, 1906.
Sir: Referring to my No. 274 of December 14, 1905,a and previous correspondence, concerning the practice of professions in this Republic, I have the honor to report that by an executive decree of the 10th instant it is provided that the diplomas received by the Argentine students sent to the different colleges in the United States by the Argentine Government, shall be sufficient and valid in this country; and that such graduates can practice their professions within the territory of the Republic without other requirement than the presentation of their diplomas to the ministry of justice and public instruction for their legalization in the customary form. The signatures of the president and secretary of the college must, however, be authenticated by the Secretary of State of the United States and ratified by a consular officer resident in that country.
I am, etc.,
- For. Rels., 1905.↩