Newfoundland fishery question

(Continuation of correspondence in Foreign Relations, 1905, pp. 489502.)

[587] Sir M. Durand to Sir Edward Grey.

[590] Governor Sir W. MacGregor to the Earl of Elgin.

[591] Sir Edward Grey to Mr. Whitelaw Reid.

[592] Governor Sir W. MacGregor to the Earl of Elgin.

[594] Mr. Whitelaw Reid to Sir Edward Grey.

[597] Governor Sir W. MacGregor to the Earl of Elgin.

[598] Governor Sir W. MacGregor to the Earl of Elgin.

[599] Governor Sir W. MacGregor to the Earl of Elgin.

[602] Sir Edward Grey to Mr. Whitelaw Reid.

[604] Governor Sir W. MacGregor to the Earl of Elgin.

[607] Governor Sir W. MacGregor to the Earl of Elgin.

[610] Governor Sir W. MacGregor to the Earl of Elgin.

[611] Sir Edward Grey to Sir M. Durand.

[613] Governor Sir W. MacGregor to the Earl of Elgin.

[615] Sir Edward Grey to Sir M. Durand.