- Abduction of Ion Perdicaris by bandits in Morocco 307, 338, 496
- Ablaliat, Odishu Samuel, passport, application of 656
- Abynemer, Assad Kalil, Syrian, fraudulent naturalization of 398
- Abyssinia (see Ethiopia) 298
- Acre Territory, termination of the dispute between Bolivia and Brazil over the 98, 104
- Activity of secret societies (antiforeign and antidynastic) in China 200
- Aflak, Habib J., Syrian, fraudulent naturalization of 398
- Agreement. (See Treaty.)
- Alaska, delimitation of the boundary of 324
- Alexandretta, Turkey, assault on the American consul at, by Turkish officials 833
- Aliens, citizenship of children of, born in the United States 853
- Amendments to the constitution of Mexico 491
- American:
- cargoes and American-chartered vessels, seizure, of by Russian naval vessels 727
- citizens—
- doing business in Haiti, license tax imposed upon 371
- imprisonment of, in foreign countries. (See Imprisonment.)
- Jews, discriminatory treatment of, in Russia 790
- license to do business arbitrarily denied to, in Haiti 384
- murder of, in foreign countries. (See Murder, etc.)
- naturalized, of Syrian origin, protection of, in Haiti 397
- citizenship of persons born in foreign countries of naturalized American parents 854
- citizenship of persons born in the United States of alien parents 853
- consul, assault on the, at Alexandretta by Turkish officials 833
- consular offices, asylum for political refugees in 286, 859
- consulate at Cienfuegos, Cuba, indignity offered to the 236
- diplomatic and consular service, designation of, instead of “United States” 7
- institutions, educational, charitable, and religious, in Turkey; negotiations with Turkish Government with reference to official recognition of, etc 818
- interests, protection of, in Korea 726
- minister to Servia, presentation of credentials by 800
- negroes, emigration of, to Liberia 455
- newspaper correspondents, arrest of, by Russian authorities 777
- property, attack on, by Korean soldiers 451
- ship Benjamin Sewall, murder of shipwrecked seamen of, in Formosa 440
- trade-marks, protection of, in Morocco 407
- transportation companies, discrimination against, in carrying emigrants from Hungary (see Transportation of emigrants from Hungary) 86
- war vessels, visits of, to foreign ports—
- Annexation of the Dominican Republic by the United States 371
- Anniversary, seventy-fifth birthday, of King Oscar, of Sweden and Norway, celebration of 810
- Antiforeign movements in China 200
- Application, passport, of:
- Arabia, American-chartered vessel, seizure of, by Russia 732
- Arbitration:
- agreement between France and Great Britain 9
- invitation to the government signatories to The Hague convention to enter into arbitration treaties 8
- of Alto Juruá and Alto Purús claims, convention between Brazil and Peru for the 111, 699
- of boundary dispute between Colombia and Peru 694
- of boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru 680
- of boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras 542
- of the claim of the San Domingo Improvement Company against the Dominican Republic 270
- of the preferential treatment of claims against Venezuela 505
- of Venezuelan claims by the Mixed Claims Commissions under protocols of 1903 863
- treaty between Bolivia and Peru respecting limits 685
- treaty between Portugal and Spain 701
- treaty, and of nonintervention, between Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador 351
- Ardova, steamship, seizure of American cargo on, by Russia 732
- Argentine Republic 36–41
- boundary convention between the Argentine Republic and Chile 40, 116
- message of the President of the Argentine Republic to the Argentine Congress 37
- neutrality proclamation 15
- passport application of William A. Tappan and his son, Charles L. Tappan 36
- settlement of the difficulties between Uruguay and the Argentine Republic 861
- treaty of friendship and commerce between the Argentine Republic and Persia 38
- Armenia, Turkey, revolutionary movement and disturbed condition in 836
- Army of Panama, seditious and mutinous conduct of 647
- Arrangement. (See Treaty.)
- Arrest of American citizens. (See Imprisonment.)
- Askold, Russian cruiser, disarmament of, at Shanghai 136, 140, 426
- Assault on American citizens of Syrian origin in Haiti 397
- Assault on the American consul at Alexandretta by Turkish officials 833
- Asylum:
- for political refugees (see Revolution in Paraguay) 859
- right of, in United States consular offices (see Violation of the United States Commercial Agency at Samana, Dominican Republic) 286
- Attitude of Colombia toward the United States and the Republic of Panama (see also President Reyes’s message) 204, 229
- Austria-Hungary 42–94
- Award:
- Baiz, Jacob, estate of, settlement of claim of, against Honduras 352
- Bean, O., imprisonment of, in Mexico 482
- Belgium 95–97
- Benjamin Sewall, American ship, murder of shipwrecked seamen of, in Formosa 440
- Bogotá City Railway Company, seizure of its property by Colombian authorities 227
- Böker, Robert Albert, passport application of 312
- Bolivia:
- Boundary:
- convention between Chile and the Argentine Republic 40, 116
- delimitation of the, of Alaska 324
- dispute between Brazil and Peru, convention terminating the 109
- dispute between Colombia and Peru, arbitration of 694
- dispute between Ecuador and Peru, arbitration of 680
- dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras, arbitration of 542
- treaty between Bolivia and Peru for the demarcation of frontiers 684
- treaty of arbitration respecting the limits of Bolivia and Peru 685
- Brazil 101–111
- convention between Brazil and Peru for the arbitration of Alto Juruá and Alto Purús claims 111, 699
- message of the President of Brazil to the Brazilian Congress 108
- misuse of the flag of the United States 101
- neutrality proclamation 16
- provisional agreement between Brazil and Peru terminating boundary
- dispute 109
- termination of the dispute with Bolivia over the Acre Territory 98, 104
- British fishing vessels, firing on, by Russian war vessels 342, 796
- Bulgaria 112–114
- Calchas, British steamship, seizure of American cargo on, by Russia 758
- Canal:
- across the Isthmus of Panama, treaty between the United States and Panama for the construction of 543
- indemnity, payment of, by the United States 651
- Zone, Isthmian, establishment of United States ports, custom-houses, and post-offices in the 8, 585
- Zone, Isthmian, transfer of, to the United States 581
- Zone of the Isthmus of Panama, opening of, to commerce 8, 585
- Candamo, President of Peru, death of 693
- Cargoes, American, seizure of, by Russia 727
- Central America, peace conference between the Presidents of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador 541
- Cesarevitch, Russian battle ship, and three torpedo boats, disarmament of, by German authorities at Tsingtau 323
- Charitable institutions in Turkey, etc., official recognition of 818
- Chefoo, China, capture of the Russian destroyer Ryeshetelni by Japanese war vessels in the harbor of 139, 424
- Chile 115–116
- China 117–203
- antiforeign movements in China 200
- capture of the Russian destroyer Ryeshetelni at Chefoo by Japanese war vessels 139, 424
- denunciation of immigration treaty 117
- disarmament of the Russian cruiser Askold and destroyer Grosovoi
- at Shanghai 136, 140, 426
- mining regulations in China 150
- murder of Lewis L. Etzel 168
- neutrality of, in the war between Russia and Japan 2, 42, 95, 118, 258, 301, 309, 327, 405, 418, 521, 700, 722, 806
- neutrality proclamation 17
- opening of trade ports in, 167
- protection of Japanese interests in, by American diplomatic and consular officers 146
- visit of Prince Pu Lun to the United States 148
- Whangpu River, conservancy of 186
- Chinese indemnity, payment of 177
- Circulars 1–35
- designation of the diplomatic and consular service as “American” instead of “United States” 7
- neutral commerce in articles conditionally contraband of war 3
- neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan 2
- neutrality proclamations issued during the war between Russia and Japan 14
- opening of the Canal Zone of the Isthmus of Panama to commerce 8
- pacific settlement of international disputes 8
- proposal for a second Hague conference 10
- protection of Panaman interests by consular officers of the United States 1
- Citizenship:
- Claims:
- against Venezuela, arbitration of, by mixed commissions 863
- against Venezuela, arbitration of the preferential treatment of 505
- Alto Juruá and Alto Purús, convention between Brazil and Peru for the arbitration of 111, 699
- Baiz, Jacob, estate of, against Honduras, settlement of 352
- Grace, W. R., & Co., settlement of claim of, against Peru 678
- Hall or Weyman, against Haiti, settlement of 392
- International Ocean Telegraph Company against Spain, settlement of 808
- Renton, Ella Miller, against Honduras, settlement of 352
- Renton, Mrs. Charles W., against Honduras, settlement of 352
- Salvador Commercial Company et al., against Salvador, settlement of 533
- San Domingo Improvement Company, against the Dominican Republic, arbitration of 270
- San Domingo Improvement Company, against the Dominican Republic, award of the arbitration commission 274
- Weyman, against Haiti. (See Hall.)
- C. Lyon Hall & Co., American firm, license tax imposed upon, to do business in Haiti 371
- Colombia 204–229
- attitude of Colombia toward the United States and the Republic of Panama (see also President Reyes’s message) 204, 229
- boundary dispute between Colombia and Peru, arbitration of 694
- message of President Reyes to the Colombian Congress 229
- modus vivendi between Colombia and Peru relating to disputed rivers and territory 696
- reestablishment of diplomatic relations with Venezuela and Italy 226, 872
- seizure of the property of the Bogotá City Railway Company 227
- transfer of the New Panama Canal Company’s property to the United States 224, 302
- Commander Islands, protection of seals in the region of 339, 794
- Commerce, neutral, in articles conditionally contraband of war 3, 332, 523, 727
- Commissions, mixed claims, arbitration of Venezuelan claims by 863
- Commission of inquiry, reference of the North Sea incident (firing on British fishing vessels by Russian war vessels) to an international 342, 796
- Conditions:
- Condolence:
- Conference between the Presidents of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador for the purpose of securing peace in Central America 541
- Conference, proposal for a second Hague conference 10
- Conservancy of the Whangpu River 186
- Constitution:
- Consul, American, assault on the, at Alexandretta by Turkish officials 833
- Consular and diplomatic service, designation of, as “American” instead of “United States” 7
- Consular office, British, protection of, at Santo Domingo, by American diplomatic and naval officers 327
- Consular offices, American, asylum in 286, 859
- Consulate, American, at Cienfuegos, Cuba, outrage on 236
- Contraband of war 3, 332, 523, 727
- Convention. (See Treaty.)
- Coronation of King Peter of Servia 802
- Correspondents, American newspaper, arrest of, by Russian authorities 777
- Correspondents, press, Japanese regulation for 415, 416
- Credentials, presentation of, by the American minister to the King of Servia 800
- Cuban law and procedure in murder cases (see Murder of E. A. Murray) 254
- Cuba 230–257
- indignity offered to the United States consulate at Cienfuegos 236
- messages of the President of Cuba to the Cuban Congress 239
- murder of E. A. Murray 254
- sanitary conditions in Cuba 247
- supplementary convention between the United States and Cuba extending the period within which may be exchanged the ratification of the treaty of May 22, 1903, between the United States and Cuba, embodying the provisions defining their future relations 246 treaty between the United States and Cuba embodying the provisions defining the future relations of the United States with Cuba contained in the act of Congress approved March 2, 1901, making appropriations for the Army 243
- treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between Cuba and Italy 230
- withdrawal of United States troops from Cuba 238
- Currency, Guatemalan, decree fixing the relative value of the national (see Payment of gold obligations in silver or paper) 346
- Custom-houses, establishment of, in the Isthmian Canal Zone 8, 585
- Death of President Candamo of Peru 693
- Debt, Guatemalan, payment of, in silver or paper instead of gold 346
- Decoration conferred upon Secretary of State John Hay by the French Republic 306
- Declaration for the reference of the North Sea incident (firing on British fishing vessels by Russian war vessels) to an international commission of inquiry 342
- Declaration of war between Russia and Japan 414
- Decrees of neutrality (see Proclamations) 14
- Dejardin, J., Th. Luders & Co., American firm, license to do business arbitrarily denied to, in Haiti 384
- Denmark 258–260
- Denunciation by China of the immigration treaty 117
- Denunciation by Haiti of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation of 1864 between the United States and Haiti 370
- Designation of the diplomatic and consular service as “American” instead of “United States” 7
- Destitution of American negro immigrants in Liberia 455
- Difficulty between Japan and Russia 410, 708
- Difficulty between Uruguay and the Argentine Republic, settlement of 861
- Diplomatic and consular service, designation of, as “American” instead of “United States” 7
- Diplomatic relations:
- Disarmament of Russian war vessels:
- Discrimination against:
- American citizens (see New stamp-tax law in Turkey) 839
- American transportation companies in carrying emigrants from Hungary (see Transportation of emigrants from Hungary) 86
- Discriminatory treatment of jews, American citizens, in Russia 790
- Dispute:
- boundary, between Colombia and Peru, arbitration of 694
- boundary, between Ecuador and Peru, arbitration of 680
- boundary, between Honduras and Nicaragua, arbitration of 542
- boundary convention between Brazil and Peru, terminating the 109
- over the Acre Territory between Bolivia and Brazil, termination of 98, 104
- Disputes, international, pacific settlement of 8
- Divito, Giuseppe, Italian, fraudulent naturalization of 406
- Divorce laws, international convention relating to 526
- Dominican Republic 261–293
- annexation of, or protectorate over, the Dominican Republic by the United States 371
- arbitration of the claim of the San Domingo Improvement Company against the 270
- award of the arbitration commission 274
- protection of the British vice-consulate at Santo Domingo by American diplomatic and naval officers 327
- protection of the German vice-consul at Santo Domingo city 267
- provisional government of the, recognition of, by the United States 261
- revolution in the, termination of 289
- violation of the United States commercial agency at Samana 286
- Dugat, H. E., imprisonment of, in Mexico 461
- Ecuador 294–297
- Educational institutions in Turkey, etc., official recognition of 818
- Emigrants:
- Emigration law of Hungary 47
- Emigration of American negroes to Liberia 455
- Equal treatment of American educational, charitable, and religious institutions in Turkey, negotiations with Turkish Government relating to 818
- Estate of Jacob Baiz, settlement of claim of, against Honduras 352
- Ethiopia 298–300
- treaty between the United States and the King of Ethiopia, to regulate the commercial relations between the two countries 298
- Etzel, Lewis L., murder of, in China 168
- Evasion of military service in Germany by Emil Vibert 317
- Exclusion of Syrians from Haiti 393
- Executive order of March 10, 1904, relating to the observation of neutrality by United States officials 185
- Exemption of Russian merchant ships from capture 414
- Extradition of Herman E. Haass from Panama 644
- Extradition treaty between the United States and the Netherlands, extension of, to their insular possessions and colonies 524
- Financial decree, Guatemalan, authorizing the payment of gold obligations in silver or paper 346
- Fine imposed on Emil Vibert in Germany for nonperformance of military service 317
- Firing on British fishing vessels by Russian war vessels 342, 796
- Fisheries, Newfoundland, agreement between France and Great Britain relating to the 329
- Flag of Peru, display of, on anniversaries of other nations and as a sign of condolence upon the death of chiefs of other states 697
- Flag of the United States, misuse of, in Brazil 101
- Formosa, murder of shipwrecked seamen of the American ship Benjamin Sewall in 440
- France 301–308
- abduction of Ion Perdicaris by bandits in Morocco 307
- agreement between France and Great Britain relating to the Newfoundland fisheries 329
- arbitration agreement between France and Great Britain 9
- decoration conferred upon Secretary of State John Hay by the French Republic 306
- neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan 301
- neutrality proclamation 23
- transfer of the New Panama Canal Company’s property to the United States 302
- treaty between the United States and France for the determination of their relations in Tunis 304
- Fraudulent naturalization of:
- Fraudulently obtained passport by Josef Henry Tetz 315
- Fushimi, Prince Sadanaru, of Japan, visit of, to the United States 448
- Germany 309–323
- arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against Venezuela. (See under the Netherlands.)
- German vice-consul at Santo Domingo city, protection of, by the Amercian legation 267
- military service case of Emil Vibert 317
- neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan 309
- neutrality of Germany in the war between Russia and Japan 323
- neutrality proclamation 24
- passport application of Robert Albert Böker 312
- passport obtained fraudulently by Josef Henry Tetz 315
- Gold obligations, Guatemalan, payment of, in silver or paper 346
- Gordon, F., imprisonment of, in Mexico 482
- Government, provisional, of the Dominican Republic, recognition of, by the United States 261
- Grace, W. R., & Co., settlement of claim of, against Peru 678
- Grau y Ortegueira, Jorge, a native Porto Rican, citizenship of 804
- Great Britain 324–343
- abduction of Ion Perdicaris by bandits in Morocco 338
- agreement between Great Britain and France relating to the Newfoundland fisheries 329
- Alaska, delimitation of the boundary of 324
- arbitration agreement between France and Great Britain 9
- arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against Venezuela. (See under the Netherlands.)
- contraband in the war between Russia and Japan 332
- firing on British fishing vessels by Russian war vessels, declaration for the reference of, to an international commission of inquiry 342
- neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan 327
- neutrality proclamation 24
- protection of seals in the North Pacific Ocean 339
- protection of the British vice-consulate at Santo Domingo by American diplomatic and naval officers 327
- Greece 344–345
- visits of United States squadrons to Greece 344
- Grosovoi, Russian destroyer, disarmament of, at Shanghai 140, 426
- Guardianship of minors, international convention relating to 526
- Guatemala and Honduras 346–369
- boundary dispute between Honduras and Nicaragua, arbitration of 542
- claims of Mrs. Charles W. Renton, Ella Miller Renton, and the estate of Jacob Baiz against Honduras, settlement of 352
- payment of gold obligations in silver or paper 346
- peace conference between the presidents of Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, and Salvador 541
- treaty of nonintervention and arbitration between Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Salvador 351
- Guerrero, Dr. Manuel Amador, inauguration of, as first President of the Republic of Panama 581
- Haass, Herman E., extradition of, from Panama 644
- Hage, Antoine Kalil, Syrian, fraudulent naturalization of 398
- Hague, The:
- Haiti 370–404
- annexation of, or protectorate over, the Dominican Republic by the United States 371
- exclusion of Syrians from Haiti 393
- fraudulent naturalization of Syrians 398
- license tax on American citizens doing business in Haiti 371
- license to do business arbitrarily denied to American citizens 384
- naturalization treaty between Haiti and the United States 389
- protection of naturalized American citizens of Syrian origin 397
- settlement of the claim of Hall, or Weyman, against Haiti 392
- treaty between Haiti and the United States extending the time for the ratification of the naturalizaion treaty between the two countries 391
- treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation of 1864, denunciation of, by Haiti 370
- Hall & Co., C. Lyon, American firm, license tax imposed upon, to do business in Haiti 371
- Hall or Weyman, claim of, against Haiti, settlement of 392
- Harding, H. C., imprisonment of, in Mexico 461
- Hay, John, Secretary of State, decoration conferred upon, by the French Republic 306
- Holm, Hans, captain of the Norwegian steamship Bratten, testimonial presented to, by the United States 810
- Honduras. (See Guatemala.)
- Hostile movements toward foreigners by Chinese secret societies (see Antiforeign movements in China) 200
- Hufnagel, Louis Eugene, citizenship of 854
- Hungary:
- Immigration of American negroes to Liberia 455
- Immigration treaty, denunciation of, by China 117
- Imprisonment of American citizens in foreign countries:
- Bean, C. O. (Mexico) 482
- Crutcher, L. C. (Mexico) 482
- Dugat, H. E. (Mexico) 461
- Gordon, F. (Mexico) 482
- Harding, H. C. (Mexico) 461
- Little, _____ (by Russian authorities) 777
- Martinez, Francisco, a Porto Rican, in the Dominican Republic 291
- Newspaper correspondents (by Russian authorities) 777
- Railway employees (Mexico) 482
- Washburn, (by Russian authorities) 777
- Imprisonment of Eulogio Zambrano, a Mexican citizen, in Texas 473
- Improvement of the Whangpu River, in China 186
- Inauguration of:
- Indemnity:
- Chinese, payment of 177
- Isthmian Canal, payment of, by the United States 651
- paid by China on account of the murder of Louis L. Etzel 168
- paid by Persia on account of the murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree 676
- paid by the United States on account of the wounding and imprisonment of Eulogio Zambrano, a Mexican citizen, in Texas 473
- Indignity offered to the American consulate at Cienfuegos, Cuba 236
- Institutions, American educational, charitable, and religious, in Turkey; negotiations with the Turkish Government with reference to official recognition of, etc 818
- International conventions relating to marriage laws, divorce laws, and the guardianship of minors 526
- International disputes, pacific settlement of (see also Disputes, etc.) 8
- International Ocean Telegraph Company, settlement of claim of, against Spain 808
- Interests of:
- Intervention, non-, treaty of nonintervention and arbitration between Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador 351
- Investigation of the murder of E. A. Murray and procedure under Cuban law 254
- Invitation to the governments signatory to The Hague convention to enter into arbitration treaties 8
- Isthmian Canal indemnity, payment of, by the United States 651
- Isthmus of Panama:
- Italy 405–409
- arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against Venezuela. (See under the Netherlands.)
- fraudulent naturalization of Giuseppe Divito 406
- neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan 405
- neutrality proclamation 25
- reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Italy and Colombia 226
- trade-marks, protection of, in Morroco 407
- treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between Cuba and Italy 230
- treaty of friendship, navigation, and commerce between Italy and Ecuador 294
- Jacobs, Joseph, Syrian, fraudulent naturalization of 398
- Jaegerhuber, Anton, American citizen, license to do business arbitrarily denied to, in Haiti 384
- Japan 410–450
- contraband of war in the war between Japan and Russia, Japanese rules governing 416
- difficulty between Japan and Russia 410
- exemption of Russian merchant ships from capture by Japan 414
- murder of shipwrecked seamen of the American ship Benjamin Sewell in Formosa 440
- neutrality of China in the war between Japan and Russia 418
- neutrality of the United States in the war between Japan and Russia 427
- protection of Japanese interests in China by American diplomatic and consular officers 146
- protection of Japanese interests in Russia by American diplomatic and consular officers 430, 714
- protectorate of Japan over Korea 437, 454
- Ryeshetelni, Russian destroyer, capture of, in the harbor of Chefoo by Japanese war vessels 139, 424
- strategical sea areas, rules governing 417
- visit of Prince Sadanaru Fushimi to the United States 448
- war between Japan and Russia, declaration of 414
- war correspondents, regulations for 415, 416
- Jews, American citizens, discriminatory treatment of, in Russia 790
- Jews in Roumania 706
- Kalil, Salim, Syrian, fraudulent naturalization of 398
- Keitel, G., & Co., American firm, license to do business arbitrarily denied to, in Haiti 384
- Khowry, Metry, Syrian, fraudulent naturalization of 398
- Kidnaping. (See Abduction.)
- Killing of Lewis L. Etzel in China by Chinese soldiers 168
- King Oscar of Sweden and Norway, celebration of the seventy-fifth birthday anniversary of 810
- King Peter of Servia, coronation of 802
- Knight Commander, American-chartered vessel, seizure and sinking of, by Russian naval vessels 333, 733
- Korea 451–454
- Labaree, Rev. Benjamin W., murder of, in Persia 657, 835
- Laws:
- Lena, Russian cruiser, disarmament of, at San Francisco 428, 785
- Liberia 455–460
- immigration of American negroes to 455
- License:
- Little, ______, American newspaper correspondent, arrest of, by Russian authorities 777
- Macedonia:
- Mail, United States, confiscation of, by Russian naval authorities 772
- Maritime prize regulations, Russian 736
- Marriage laws, international convention relating to 526
- Marriages of foreigners in Peru 687
- Martinez, Francisco, a Porto Rican, imprisonment of, in the Dominican Republic 291
- Maxwell, J. B., murder of, in Mexico 489
- Maxwell, J. C., murder of, in Mexico 489
- Medical inspection of emigrants at ports of departure 92, 519
- Messages of the Presidents of:
- Mexico 461–495
- Military service ease of Emil Vibert 317
- Mining regulations in China 150
- Minors, guardianship of, international convention relating to 526
- Misuse of the flag of the United States 101
- Mixed claims commission, arbitration of Venezuelan claims by 863
- Modus vivendi between Colombia and Peru relating to disputed rivers and territory 696
- Morocco 496–504
- Murder of American citizens in foreign countries:
- Murder of shipwrecked seamen of the American ship Benjamin Sewell in Formosa 440
- Murray, E. A., murder of, in Cuba 254
- Mutinous conduct of the army of Panama 647
- National Bank of San Domingo (see San Domingo Improvement Company) 270
- Naturalization, fraudulent, of:
- Naturalization treaty between the United States and Haiti 389
- Naturalized American citizens of Syrian origin, protection of, in Haiti 397
- Naturalized American citizens, citizenship of children of, born in foreign countries 854
- Negotiations with the Turkish Government with reference to official recognition of American educational, charitable, and religious institutions in Turkey, and other pending questions 818
- Negroes, American, emigration of, to Liberia 455
- Netherlands 505–532
- arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against Venezuela 505
- international conventions relating to marriage laws, divorce laws, and the guardianship of minors 526
- medical inspection of emigrants by United States medical officers (see also Emigrants) 519
- neutral commerce in articles conditionally contraband of war 523
- neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan 521
- neutrality procalamtion 26
- treaty between the United States and the Netherlands extending the extradition treaty of June 2, 1887, to their island possessions and colonies 524
- Neutrality of:
- Neutrality proclamations and decrees of neutrality issued during the war between Russia and Japan (see Proclamations) 14
- Newfoundland fisheries, agreement between France and Great Britain relating to the 329
- New Panama Canal Company’s property, transfer of, to the United States 224, 302
- Newspaper correspondents, American, arrest of, by Russian authorities 777
- Newspaper war correspondents, Japanese regulations for 415, 516
- Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador 533–542
- boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras, arbitration of 542
- peace conference between the Presidents of Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, and Salvador 541
- Salvador Commercial Company et al., settlement of the claim of, against Salvador 533
- treaty of nonintervention and arbitration between Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador 351
- Nonintervention, treaty of arbitration and, between Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador 351
- North Pacific Ocean, protection of seals in the 339, 794
- North Sea, firing on British fishing vessels by Russian naval vessels in the 342, 796
- Obligations, Guatemalan gold, payment of, in silver or paper 346
- Oil industry, regulation of, in Roumania 706
- Opening of the Canal Zone of the Isthmus of Panama to commerce 8, 585
- Opening of trade ports in China 167
- Oscar, King of Sweden and Norway, celebration of the seventy-fifth birthday anniversary of 810
- Outrage:
- Pacific Ocean, North, patrolling of, for the protection of seals 339,794
- Pacific settlement of international disputes 8
- Panama 543–655
- army of Panama, seditious and mutinous conduct of 647
- attitude of Colombia toward (see also Message of President Reyes of Colombia) 204, 229
- Canal Company, new, transfer of the property of, to the United States 224, 302
- canal indemnity, payment of 651
- Canal Zone, Isthmian, establishment of United States ports, customhouses, and post-offices in the 8, 585
- constitution of 562
- extradition of Herman E. Haass to the United States 644
- Isthmian Canal treaty 543
- protection of the interests of, by American consular officers 1
- sanitary conditions on the Isthmus of 552
- Pappadimitriou, Stelio E., fraudulent naturalization of 844
- Paraguay. (See Uruguay.)
- Passport application:
- Passport obtained fraudulently by Josef Henry Tetz 315
- Passport obtained fraudulently by Xenophon J. Ralli 846
- Patents to do business in Haiti arbitrarily denied to American citizens 384
- Patents to do business in Haiti, license tax imposed on American citizens in addition to 371
- Patrolling of the North Pacific Ocean for the protection of seals 339, 794
- Payment of:
- Peace conference between the Presidents of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador 541
- Peace conference, proposal for a second Hague conference: 10
- Perdicaris, Ion, abduction of, by bandits in Morocco 307, 338, 496
- Persia 656–677
- Peru 678–699
- boundary dispute between Colombia and Peru, arbitration of 694
- boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru, arbitration of 680
- convention between Peru and Brazil for the arbitration of Alto Juruá
- and Alto Purús claims 111, 699
- death of President Candamo, of Peru 693
- flag of Peru, display of, on anniversaries of other nations and as a sign of condolence upon the death of chiefs of other states 697
- Grace, W. R., & Co., settlement of claim of, against Peru 678
- marriages of foreigners in Peru 687
- modus vivendi between Colombia and Peru relating to disputed rivers and territory 696
- neutrality proclamation 29
- provisional agreement between Peru and Brazil terminating boundary dispute 109
- treaty for the demarcation of frontiers between Bolivia and Peru 684
- treaty of arbitration respecting the limits of Bolivia and Peru 685
- visit of the United States Pacific squadron to Peru 692
- Peter, King of Servia, coronation of 802
- Petroleum industry, regulation of, in Roumania 706
- Pohlmann, H., American citizen, license tax imposed upon, to do business in Haiti 371
- Policy of Colombia toward the United States and Panama (see also Message of President Reyes of Colombia) 204, 229
- Porto Rico:
- citizenship of Jorge Grau y Ortegueira, a native of 804
- imprisonment of citizens of, in foreign countries. (See Imprisonment.)
- Ports of entry, establishment of, in the Isthmian Canal Zone 8, 585
- Ports, trade, opening of, in China 167
- Portugal 700–705
- Post-offices, establishment of, in the Isthmian Canal Zone 8, 585
- Preferential treatment of claims against Venezuela, arbitration of 505
- President of:
- Argentine Republic, message of 37
- Bolivia, message of 98
- Brazil, message of 108
- Chile, message of 115
- Colombia, inauguration of General Reyes as 225
- Colombia, message of 229
- Cuba, messages of 239
- Ecuador, message of 295
- Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador, peace conference between 541
- Mexico, messages of 485
- Mexico, amendment to the constitution of Mexico, relating to the election of President and vice-presidents 491
- Mexico, inauguration of, and of the vice-president under the amended constitution 493
- Panama, inauguration of Dr. Manuel Amador Guerrero as first 581
- Peru, death of 693
- United States, annual message of 9
- United States, Executive order issued by, relating to the observance of the neutrality of the United States by United States officials 185
- United States, neutrality proclamation issued by 32
- Uruguay, message of, upon termination of the revolution in Uruguay 852
- Venezuela, message of 871
- Press war correspondents, Japanese regulations for 415, 416
- Prince Pu Lun, of China, visit of, to the United States 148
- Prince Sadanaru Fushima, of Japan, visit of, to the United States 448
- Prize regulations, Russian 736
- Proclamations of neutrality issued during the war between Russia and Japan 14–35
- Property of the New Panama Canal Company, transfer of, to the United States 224, 302
- Proposal for a second Hague conference 10
- Protection of:
- American interests in Korea 726
- British vice-consulate at Santo Domingo by American diplomatic and naval officers 327
- German vice-consul at Santo Domingo City 267
- Grau y Ortegueira, Jorge, a Porto Rican, in Spain 804
- interests of Sweden and Norway in the Dominican Republic by the United States 811
- Japanese interests in China by American diplomatic and consular officers 146
- Japanese interests in Russia by American diplomatic and consular officers 430, 714
- Japanese sea areas in war time 417
- naturalized American citizens of Syrian origin, in Haiti 397
- Panaman interests by consular officers of the United States 1
- persons born in foreign countries of naturalized American parents 854
- persons born in the United States of alien parents 853
- Russian ports in war time 711
- seals in the North Pacific Ocean 339, 794
- trade-marks in Morocco 407
- Protectorate over:
- Protocol, agreement, convention, (see Treaty.)
- Provisional Government of the Dominican Republic, recognition of, by the United States 261
- Railway employees, American, imprisonment of, in Mexico 482
- Ralli, Xenophon J., passport obtained fraudulently by 846
- Recognition of the Provisional Government of the Dominican Republic by the United States 261
- Refugees, asylum for, in American consular offices 286, 859
- Regulations (see also Rules):
- Relations:
- Religious institutions in Turkey, etc., official recognition of 818
- Renton, Ella Miller, settlement of claim of, against Honduras 352
- Renton, Mrs. Charles W., settlement of claim of, against Honduras 352
- Revolutionary movement and disturbed condition in Armenia 836
- Revolutionary movements in China (see Antiforeign movements in China) 200
- Revolution in—
- Reyes, General Rafael, inauguration of, as President of Colombia 225
- River Whangpu, conservancy of 186
- Roumania 706–707
- Rules (see also Regulations):
- Russia 708–799
- arrest of American newspaper correspondents by Russian authorities 777
- contraband of war 727
- difficulty between Russia and Japan 708
- protection of Russian ports in war time 711
- firing on British fishing vessels by Russian war vessels 342, 796
- Jews, American citizens, discriminatory treatment of 790
- Korea, protection of American interests in 726
- neutrality of China in the war between Russia and Japan 722
- passport application of Michael Silberkasten 778
- seals in the North Pacific Ocean, protection of 794
- Russian merchant ships, exemption of, from capture 414
- Ryeshetelni, Russian destroyer, capture of, by Japanese war vessels in the harbor of Chefoo 139, 424
- Sadanaru Fushimi, visit of Prince, of Japan, to the United States 448
- Salloum, Joseph A., Syrian, fraudulent naturalization of 398
- Salvador Commercial Company et al., settlement of the claim of, against Salvador 533
- Salvador. (See Nicaragua.)
- Samuel, Ablahat Odishu, passport application of 656
- Sanitary conditions in Cuba 247
- Sanitary conditions on the Isthmus of Panama 552
- San Domingo Finance Company, of New York (see San Domingo Improvement Company) 270
- San Domingo Improvement Company:
- Santo Domingo, protection of the German vice-consul at, by the American legation 267
- Schwedersky, George, American citizen, license to do business arbitrarily denied to, in Haiti 384
- Seals, protection of, in the North Pacific Ocean 339, 794
- Seamen of the shipwrecked American ship Benjamin Sewall, murder of, in Formosa: 440
- Secretary of State John Hay, decoration conferred upon, by the French Republic 306
- Seditious conduct of the army of Panama 647
- Seizure of:
- Seizure, Russian regulations for the stopping, examination, and seizure of vessels 747
- Seoul Electric Company, attack on property of the, by Korean soldiers 451
- Servia 800–803
- Settlement of claims, disputes, etc. (See Claims, disputes, etc.)
- Shanghai, China, disarmament of Russian cruiser Askold and destroyer Grosovoi at 136, 140, 426
- Shooting of Eulogio Zambrano, a Mexican citizen, by a Texan ranger 473
- Silberkasten, Michael, passport application of 778
- Spain 804–809
- Stamp-tax law, new, in Turkey 839
- Stark, H., American citizen, license tax imposed upon, to do business in Haiti 371
- Steamship companies, American, discrimination against, in carrying emigrants from Hungary 86
- Strategical sea areas, rules governing the, in Japan 417
- Sweden and Norway 810, 813
- Switzerland 814–817
- refusal of passport to Jacob Wertli 814
- Syrians:
- Tax law, stamp, in Turkey 839
- Tax, license, imposed upon American citizens doing business in Haiti 371
- Testimonials:
- Tetz, Josef Henry, passport obtained fraudulently by 315
- Treaty:
- agreement between France and Great Britain relating to the Newfoundland fisheries 329
- agreement between Honduras and the United States for the settlement of the claims of Mrs. Charles W. Renton, of Ella Miller Renton, and of the estate of Jacob Baiz against Honduras 368
- agreement betweeen the United States and Italy relating to the protection of trade-marks in Morocco 407
- agreement betweeen Turkey and Bulgaria to maintain peace and order in Macedonia 112
- arbitration, between Great Britain and France 9
- arbitration between Portugal and Spain 701
- arbitration of the boundary dispute between Colombia and Peru 694
- arbitration of the boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru 680
- arbitration respecting the limits of Bolivia and Peru 685
- between Brazil and Bolivia terminating the dispute over the Acre Territory 104
- between the United States and Cuba embodying the provisions defining the future relations of the United States with Cuba contained in the act of Congress approved March 2, 1901, making appropriations for the Army 243
- between the United States and France, for the determination of their relations in Tunis 304
- between the United States and Haiti, extending the time for the ratification of the naturalization treaty between the two countries 391
- between the United States and Panama, for the construction of an isthmian canal 543
- between the United States and the King of Ethiopia, to regulate the commercial relations between the two countries 298
- between the United States and the Netherlands, extending the extradition treaty of June 2, 1887, to their island possessions and colonies 524
- boundary convention between the Argentine Republic and Chile 40, 116
- convention between Brazil and Peru, for the arbitration of Alto Juruá and Alto Purús claims 111
- for the demarcation of frontiers between Bolivia and Peru 684
- immigration, denunciation of, by China 117
- international conventions relating to marriage laws, divorce laws, and the guardianship of minors 526
- modus vivendi between Colombia and Peru, relating to disputed rivers and territory 696
- naturalization, between the United States and Haiti 389
- of amity, commerce, and navigation between Cuba and Italy 230
- of amity, commerce, and navigation of 1864, denunciation of, by Haiti 370
- of friendship and commerce between the Argentine Republic and Persia 38
- of friendship, navigation, and commerce between Ecuador and Italy 294
- of nonintervention and arbitration between Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Salvador 351
- protocol between the Argentine Republic and Uruguay, settling the difficulties between the two countries 861
- protocol of an agreement between the United States and the Dominican Republic for the arbitration of the claim of the San Domingo
- Improvement Company against the Dominican Republic 270
- provisional agreement between Brazil and Peru terminating boundary dispute 109
- supplementary convention between the United States and Cuba, extending the period within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the treaty of May 22, 1903, between the United States and Cuba, embodying the provisions defining their future relations 246
- Trade-marks, protection of, in Morocco 407
- Trade ports, opening of, in China 167
- Transportation of emigrants from Hungary 86
- Transfer of the New Panama Canal Company’s property to the United States 224, 302
- Troops, United States, withdrawal of, from Cuba 238
- Tunis, treaty between the United States and France for the determination of their relations in 304
- Turkey 818–848
- agreement between Turkey and Bulgaria to maintain peace and order in Macedonia 112
- assault on the American consul at Alexandretta by Turkish officials 833
- fraudulent naturalization of Stelio E. Pappadimitriou 844
- negotiations with the Turkish Government with reference to official recognition of American educational, charitable, and religious institutions in Turkey, and other pending questions 818
- new stamp-tax law in Turkey 839
- murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree in Persia 657, 835
- passport fraudulently obtained by Zenophon J. Ralli 846
- revolutionary movement and disturbed condition in Armenia 836
- United States:
- diplomatic and consular service, designation of, as “American” 7
- flag, misuse of, in Brazil 101
- mail, seizure of, by Russian naval authorities 772
- neutrality of, in the war between Russia and Japan 185, 427,
- observation of, by United States officials, Executive order 185
- neutrality proclamation 32
- troops, withdrawal of, from Cuba 238
- war vessels, visits of, to foreign ports—
- Uruguay and Paraguay 849–862
- Varley, Mr., British subject, abduction of, by bandits in Morocco (see Abduction of Ion Perdicaris) 496
- Venezuela 863–874
- arbitration of the preferential treatment of claims against 505
- arbitration of Venezuelan claims by mixed claims commissions under protocols of 1903 863
- constitution, new, of Venezuela 873
- message of President Castro to the Venezuelan Congress 871
- reestablishment of relations between Venezuela and Colombia 872
- Vessels, American-chartered, seizure of, by Russia 727
- Vessels, American-chartered, seizure of, by Russia 733
- Vibert, Emil, military service case of 317
- Violation of the United States commercial agency at Samana 286
- Visit of Prince Pu Lun, of China, to the United States 148
- Visit of Prince Sadanaru Fushimi, of Japan, to the United States 448
- Visits of American war vessels to foreign ports:
- War between Russia and Japan 708
- capture of the Russian destroyer Ryeshetelni in the harbor of Chefoo by Japanese war vessel 139, 424
- contraband of war 3, 332, 523, 727
- declaration of, by Japan 414
- disarmament of Russian war vessels—
- exemption of Russian merchant ships from capture 414
- Japanese regulations for press correspondents 415, 416
- neutrality of—
- neutrality proclamations 14–35
- protection of Russian ports 711
- strategical sea areas, Japanese rules governing 417
- War vessels, American, visit of, to foreign ports:
- Washburn, _____, American newspaper correspondent, arrest of, by Russian authorities 777
- Wertli, Jacob, refusal of passport to 814
- Weyman, claim of, against Haiti. (Seex Hall.)
- Whangpu River, conservancy of 186
- Withdrawal of United States troops from Cuba 238
- Woodworth, Enoch, murder of, in Mexico 489
- Wounding and imprisonment of Eulogio Zambrano, a Mexican citizen, in Texas 473
- Zambrano, Eulogio, Mexican, wounding and imprisonment of, in Texas 473