Mr. Bowen to Mr.
American Legation,
Venezuela, March 2,
Sir: I have the honor to send to you herewith,
two copies of President Castro’s message and two copies of the report of
the minister for foreign affairsa to the Venezuelan Congress.
On page 32 of the message you will find an
eloquent expression of gratitude to President Roosevelt and the American
people. * * *
I am, etc.,
Extract from the message of the President of Venezuela to the Congress of 1904.
* * * * * * *
Our relations with the United States are perfectly harmonious and
cordial. Each day the deferential consideration which that great
nation is showing us becomes more frank and affectionate. We should
remember, as a proof of that
[Page 872]
harmony and cordiality, the interest which the President and the
people of the American Union showed toward Venezuela in the
unfortunate days of our international disturbance. The good offices
of the First Magistrate of that friendly nation were interposed more
than once to obtain a pacific solution and avoid the action which
was then threatened against us.
With a view to expressing to the people of the great Republic the
gratitude of Venezuela for this friendly action, and also for the
purpose of strengthening our friendly political relations, it was
resolved last year to reestablish the Venezuelan legation at
Washington. The compatriot appointed by the Government as the head
of the legation has received a courteous reception by the President
of the United States.
* * * * * * *