Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay.
Constantinople, September 29, 1904.
Sir: I beg to inclose herewith for the Department’s information copy of a recent dispatch sent by the legation to the consul at Smyrna regarding a probable case of fraudulent naturalization and irregular manner in which one Stelio E. Pappadimitriou secured a renewal of his passport.
As Consul Lane has already written to the Department upon this case and has been directed by the legation to examine into the matter thoroughly and report the result of his investigation to you, it is unnecessary for me to enter into further details.
I am quite of the opinion that many citizens of Ottoman origin have secured their naturalization in an irregular manner, and as the number of passport applications have fallen off tremendously during the past year or two, owing to the reports circulated by rejected applicants regarding the strictness in the examination, that it is altogether possible that the means resorted to by Pappadimitriou may be adopted by others.
The Ottoman regulations forbid anyone to enter Turkey without having their passports properly viséed, and as a matter of control requires the officials at the place of entry, whether such consular vise-exists or not, to affix their seal or some other mark on the back of the passport. I therefore respectfully request the Department to authorize the legation to instruct all the American consular officers in Turkey not to recognize or protect, before first referring the matter to the legation, naturalized citizens of Ottoman origin whose American passports have not been viséed by an Ottoman consular officer or which do not show on the face that the bearers have reentered their native land in a regular and proper manner, it being understood of course that a regulation of this character would not apply to holders of valid passports issued by the legation.
The issuance of such instuctions to the consular officers would, in my opinion, correct the evil to a very considerable extent and would have a decided tendency to discourage this very undesirable class from attempting to secure passports in an irregular manner through their friends in America.
I have, etc.,