Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay.

No. 193.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you herewith a copy and translation of a note received from Count Lamsdorff, imperial minister for foreign affairs, in reply to mine of August 22 last, relating to the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives of the United States on April 21 last, concerning “the freedom of travel and sojourn in Russia, without regard to race, creed, or religious faith,” of all American citizens, which was transmitted to me in your dispatch No. 127, of July 1 last.

I have, etc.,

Robert S. McCormick.
[Page 794]

Count Lamsdorff to Mr. McCormick.

Mr. Ambassador: It is with special interest that I have become acquainted with the consideration expressed by your excellency in your note of the 9/22d of August, relative to certain facilities to be granted to American citizens of Hebrew faith with regard to their entry into Russia. In this connection I have the honor to inform you that a special commission has been instituted by supreme order on December 17, 1903, with the ministry of the interior, in view of generally revising the passport regulations actually in force.

The Imperial ministry of foreign affairs having appointed a representative with this commission, I shall not fail to bring, through his intermediary, to the knowledge of that commission your views on the subject and the desire of the Federal Government, of which your excellency has been the interpreter.

I avail, etc.,
