Count Cassini to Mr. Hay.
Washington, December 10, 1904.
Mr. Secretary of State: Russia and all the Russians residing abroad will on the 6th/19th December celebrate the name day of His Majesty the Emperor, my august master.
Captain Berlinsky, commanding officer of the transport ship Lena, which, as your excellency knows, lies disarmed at San Francisco until the end of the present war, would like to celebrate that day, which all Russians hold so dear, by hoisting on that solemn occasion, and for that day only, the national flag, dressing his ship, and firing the imperial salute. I cherish the hope, Mr. Secretary of State, that the Federal Government will see no objection to yielding to Captain Berlinsky’s request and will thus afford him the opportunity of paying the homage of his respect and veneration to his august sovereign.
While transmitting this request of Captain Berlinsky’s, and most especially commending it to your customary courtesy, I beg your excellency, etc.,