Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay.

No. 127.]

Sir: Referring to the Department’s instructions No. 96, of the 11th instant, I have the honor to include a translation of a note from the ministry for foreign affairs on the subject of the Japanese press boat Hanyei Maru and further stating that the Japanese servants of Messrs. Washburn and Little have been set free.

I have, etc.,

Robert S. McCormick.

Mr. Obolensky to Mr. McCormick.

Mr. Ambassador: In reply to the note which your excellency addressed to me on the 11th instant, relating to the arrest of the Japanese who were on board the press boat Hanyei Maru, I have the honor to state that, according to information furnished me by the imperial lieutenant of the Far East, the said boat was seized at the islands of Miaodao, and not at Port Arthur, on account of evident proof of hostile intentions toward the Russian authorities. The Japanese subjects who were on board the said vessel, some of whom were dressed as Chinese, were taken to Port Arthur and placed in the hands of the judicial authorities for examination.

I may add that the Japanese servants in the employ of Messrs. Little and Washburn were set free at the beginning of April.

Please accept, etc.,
