Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hay.
Athens, May 5, 1904.
Sir: I have the honor to report that under the title of “New attitude of the London Israelites,” the semiofficial “Independence Roumaine,” publishes extracts in French from certain Jewish newspapers of London, which speak of the better relations now existing in Roumania between the Jews and Christians; the increase in the number of Jews naturalized; the more humane manner of enforcing the anti-Jewish laws, as well as the fact that no further laws of this nature have been proposed; and also the almost complete cessation of the expulsion of Jews from the rural communes.
The report of Major Evans-Gordon to the Alien Immigration Commissionb is referred to, and in view of the improved condition of things the Jewish newspapers advise against any measures from outside in behalf of the Roumanian Jews.
I have, etc.,
- See dispatch No. 63, November 15, 1903, printed in Foreign Relations, 1903, p. 706.↩