Mr. Dudley to Mr.
American Legation,
Peru, July 8,
No. 950.]
Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith a
copy and translation of a note from the Peruvian foreign office,
inclosing a certified copy of a supreme decree of the 28th ultimo, also
herewith inclosed in copy, providing upon the basis of reciprocity for
the raising of this nation’s flag on the Palace of Government upon the
anniversaries of other nations, and the half-masting of the flag in sign
of condolence upon the death of the chiefs of other States, and the
attendance in such case of public functionaries at the memorial services
in this country, under whatever rites held.
It has heretofore happened that the President of Peru has felt obliged by
the constitutional provision and the law respecting the protection of
the established church and the prohibition of any other public worship
to refrain from attending memorial services held in a non-Roman Catholic
church. The law remains the same; the decree merely evidences a more
liberal-minded construction and is in the direction encouraged by the
Department in its instructions to this legation.
I have, etc.,
Foreign Office,
Lima, July 7,
The minister for foreign affairs presents his compliments to his
excellency the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of
the United States of America, and has the pleasure to inclose
herewith an original copy of the supreme decree issued on June 28
last, which establishes reciprocity in the official ceremonies of
congratulation or condolence, in view of the manifestations of
mourning shown in some countries of America in consequence of the
death of his excellency the late President Candamo.
Mr. Alberto Elmore avails himself of the opportunity to reiterate to
Mr. Irving B. Dudley the assurances of his high and distinguished
Foreign Office,
Room of the Chief
June 28,
The supreme decree, No. 64, of February 19, 1891, being founded upon
the convenience of adopting a system of reciprocity similar to that
laid down in other countries of America as regards the official
ceremonies for congratulation or condolence, and as it is necessary
to modify the said resolution on behalf of that same reciprocity, in
view of the special mourning ceremonies decreed in some countries of
America by reason of the death of the first magistrate of the
Republic, it is resolved:
- First That on the national anniversaries of the countries
which observe toward Peru the same courtesy, the national
ensign shall be hoisted at the Government Palace and at the
public offices connected with it.
- Second. That in cases of mourning for the heads of the
Government of the said countries the national ensign shall
be hoisted at half-mast at the Government Palace and at the
above-mentioned offices, and the Government officers or
functionaries of state may attend the funeral services,
which, in accordance with their respective rites, may be
performed for the aforesaid reason.
Let it be registered, published, circulated among the members of the
diplomatic corps resident in Peru.
[The rubric of his excellency.]
Polo, Chief Cleric of the Foreign Office.