Mr. Adee to Mr. Barrett.

No. 15.]

Sir: Referring to your No. 14 of August 9 relating to the differences which have arisen between the governments of the United States and Panama, growing out of the establishment by the United States, in virtue of the stipulations of the treaty between the two republics, of certain ports and custom-houses in the canal zone, I have to say that, in view of your suggestion that the discussion of the questions raised could be carried on to more advantage at Panama, where it began, and your statement that the Panaman Government preferred that course, the President has deemed it expedient that your suggestion should be adopted.

Copies of the correspondence on the subject exchanged with the Panaman minister at Washington are inclosed for your information in carrying out this instruction.a

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
  1. Printed ante.