Mr. Newel to Mr. Hay.
The Hague, August 8, 1904.
Sir: Referring to my No. 777, of August 5, 1904, I have the honor to state that I am to-day informed that the Spanish Government paid, on the 6th instant, its quota of the honoraria to the members of the arbitral tribunal constituted in virtue of the protocols signed at Washington May 7, 1903. The amount paid by Spain was 4,275.70 francs.
I may add that the amounts paid by Venezuela on July 26, and by Mexico on July 29, were each £354 10s. 9d., and that all of those sums have been turned over to Messrs. Mouravieff, de Martens, and Lammasch in equal shares.
It will thus be seen that all the Governments that took part in the above-mentioned arbitration have paid their quotas of the honoraria of the above-mentioned members of the tribunal.
I have, etc.,