Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.

No. 2193.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 2187 of the 8th instant, I have the honor to inclose copy and translation of note from Mr. Mariscal, stating that he has been informed by the third circuit court that the district court of Sonora dismissed the case against Engineer C. O. Bean, and ordered the return to the Sonora Railway of the cash bail of $300, Bean having been unconditionally released.

I have, etc.,

Powell Clayton.

Mr. Mariscal to Mr. Clayton.

Mr. Ambassador: Referring to my note of February 12 last, relating to the case of C. O. Bean, I have the honor to say to your excellency that the third circuit court informs me, in note dated February 25 last, that the district court of Sonora dismissed the said case and ordered that the deposit of $300, the amount of Bean’s bail, be returned to the manager of the Sonora Railway, Bean having been unconditionally released.

I renew, etc.,

Igno. Mariscal.