Mr. Lyon to Mr.
American Legation,
Monrovia, June 14,
No. 53.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose an editorial
which appeared in one of the newspapers published in Monrovia, Liberia.
This is one of many editorial expressions in approval of the position we
have, taken upon the subject of emigration.
* * * * * * *
I have, etc.,
[Page 460]
liberia and west africa.
The attention of the people has been naturally drawn to Liberia,
since this country was founded by American philanthropy as an asylum
for the oppressed of the negro race.
We seriously question some methods employed by radical American,
negroes to obtain recruits for Liberia. They will not benefit
Liberia if they do not prove disastrous to the immigrants
themselves. We are not opposed to immigration if the right sort can
be had. For one or two, families to come at a time with sufficient
means to be independent until a foothold can be secured, is the
course we would advise. There are avenues open here where, with a
little money and common sense, one can make an independent living.
Prospective immigrants need not be led astray by being told what the
old settlers have done with almost nothing. The conditions have
changed. The old settlers who accumulated small fortunes did so in
trading and at a time when conscience was not considered in trading
with natives. Those were times when traders were few, and returns on
investments were expressed in three figures and sometimes four.
Fortunes must be made in other ways now.
We think President Barclay understands what he is talking about, and
the sentiments expressed in his inaugural address are well worth
considering. Referring to the question of immigration on a large
scale, he said: “It can not be denied that the country is not
prepared for the movement. While preparing a home the immigrant must
have facilities for procuring work. At present these do not