Mr. Hioki to Mr. Hay.
Washington, November 10, 1904.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that his Imperial Highness Prince Sadanaru Fushimi and suite have left San Francisco at 10 o’clock this morning and are due at Washington the 14th instant. I beg to add hereto the following revised list of the members of the suite of his Imperial Highness:
Mr. A. Sato, grand master to the household of his Imperial Highness Prince Sadanaru Fushimi; Count S. Terashima; Maj. S. Mihara, aid de camp to his Imperial Highness Prince Sadanaru Fushimi; Mr. N. Watanbe, master of ceremonies to his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan; Dr. K. Pokaku, physician to his Imperial Highness Prince Sadanaru Fushimi.
Accept, etc.,