Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay.
Sinaia, September 5, 1904.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you of the receipt of a letter from Rear-Admiral T. F. Jewell, U. S. Navy, commanding the United States European Squadron, in which the admiral refers to his recent visit to Corfu (July 26 to 31) as having been very pleasant. Admiral Jewell writes that the commander of the Greek coast-guard vessel Syros came on board the flagship and said that he had been especially charged, by telegraph from Athens, to present the King’s compliments and His Majesty’s hope that the stay in Greek waters would be agreeable. At Admiral Jewell’s request I have written to the Greek minister of foreign affairs to express his appreciation of the courtesies extended, and I have requested the minister to cause a suitable expression of the admiral’s appreciation of the complimentary message to be communicated to His Majesty the King, who is at present still absent from Greece.
I have, etc.,