Mr. Choate to Mr.
American Embassy,
London, October 15,
No. 1452.]
Sir: With reference to my telegram of the 13th
of July last and to subsequent correspondence relative to the protection
of the seals in the region of the Commander Island, I have the honor to
inclose herewith a copy of a note from Lord Lansdowne, dated the 13th
instant. * * *
I have, etc.,
Lord Lansdowne
to Mr. Choate.
Foreign Office, October 13, 1904.
Your Excellency: I have the honor to inform
Your Excellency that a telegram has been received from the officer
commanding His Majesty’s ship Algerine, the
vessel deputed to visit the Commander and Robber islands with a view
to the protection of the Russian seal herds, to the following
No British schooners have been seen, but 18 Japanese schooners have
been found seal hunting near the Commander Island and their names
taken. The rookeries appear to have been raided to a small
[Page 342]
On the passage to Hakodate the Algerine
visited the river Tinel, latitude 58°, and there took on board the
crew of the American steamer Mineola, which
sank after striking on an unknown rock. The crew consisted of 31
persons, including a Russian official, a passenger. The commander of
the Algerine proposed to land them at
I have, etc.,