Mr. Dodge to Mr. Hay.

No. 347.]

Sir: I have the honor to send to you inclosed herewith two copies (with English translations) of the neutrality proclamation of the German Government relating to the war now in progress between Russia and Japan, dated February 13, 1904.

I have, etc.,

H. Percival Dodge.

German Empire.—Proclamation.

According to official declarations which have been made here by the Imperial Russian Government and the Imperial Japanese Government, a state of war now exists between Russia and Japan. This is hereby proclaimed, with the further announcement that it is the duty of everyone within the territory of the Empire and in the German protectorates, as well as of Germans in foreign lands, to refrain from all acts contrary to the neutrality of Germany.

Berlin, February 13, 1904.

The Imperial Chancellor,

Count von Bülow.