Mr. Bowen to Mr. Hay.
Caracas, December 17, 1902.
(Mr. Bowen reports that he has received the following official communication:
The Venezuelan Government confers on Mr. Herbert W. Bowen full powers to enter into negotiations to settle in the most favorable manner possible to the interests of the Republic the present difficulty which has arisen with the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the German Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy.
In witness whereof these presents are issued in Caracas the 18th of December, 1902.
Cipriano Castro,
Constitutional President.
Lopez Baralt,
Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Bowen requests that, if it is decided to authorize him thus to act for Venezuela, the Governments of Great Britain, Germany, and Italy be notified and their consent obtained immediately, and that they issue order for an immediate stay of proceedings in Venezuela. Mr. Bowen thinks he should treat with the ambassadors of the three powers at Washington, and not with the naval officers or plenipotentiaries sent to Caracas from London, Berlin, and Rome. Mr. Bowen also requests Mr. Hay to arrange the place and time for the proposed negotiation, and states that there should be no unnecessary delay.)