Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay.
Constantinople, March 26, 1903.
Sir: I beg to confirm cablegram sent you this day in regard to audience with the Sultan in order to present the President’s message.
As I have already advised the Department, I do not believe the delay has been caused by any discourteous intent, but merely with a view to avoid discussing business, as it is quite certain that an audience would be cheerfully granted if the business which I am pressing at the Porte was out of the way.
As I gave the minister for foreign affairs a very broad hint that the limit of patience had been reached and that unless prompt action was taken he would be apt to hear from me in the course of a very few days in a more pronounced and emphatic manner, I am inclined to believe that a definite date for audience will be promptly fixed, and in the meantime every effort will be made to adjust pending questions, so that I will have thanks instead of demands to present to the Sultan.
I have, etc.,