Mr. Neill to Mr. Hay.

No. 822.]

Sir: Referring to the communications sent from this legation regarding marriages between non-Catholics in Peru, I have the honor to transmit for your information copies of a recent law on this question.

It appears, according to article 71 of the constitution (mentioned in this new law): “If the Executive does not order the law so passed to be promulgated and complied with, nor make its observations within ten days, according to the terms of article 69, the promulgation shall be made by the president of Congress, and he shall order it to be inserted for its execution in some newspaper.”

This new law is as follows: In order to come within the precepts of the law of December 23, 1897, it will be sufficient for the mayor to authorize the marriage, that either of the contracting parties should declare that he or she never belonged to the Catholic community, or that he or she has separated himself or herself from it.

The decree of October 25, 1903, was not opportunely promulgated by the Executive, and in virtue of the said article 71 of the constitution, Señor Nicañor Alvarez Calderón, president of Congress, ordered it to be printed, circulated, and communicated to the bureau of justice, worship, and instruction, in order that the necessary steps be taken for its observation. This on the 23d of November, 1903.

I have, etc.,

Richard R. Neill.

Non-Catholic marriages.

Nicañor Alvarez Calderón,
President of Congress:

Whereas Congress has dictated the following law:

Sole article: In order to come within the precepts of the law of December 23, 1897, it will be sufficient for the mayor to authorize the marriage, that either of the contracting parties should declare that he or she never belonged to the Catholic community, or that he or she has separated himself or herself from it.

[Page 695]

Let it be communicated to the Executive power in order that it may take the necessary steps for the compliance with it.

  • Anteñor Aspillaga,
    President of the Senate.
  • Nicañor Alvarez Calderón,
    President of the Chamber of Deputies.
  • Geveriano Bezada,
    Secretary of the Senate.
  • Emesto L. Raez,
    Deputy Secretary.

To His Excellency the President of the Republic:

Whereas the above law has not been opportunely promulgated by the Executive, in virtue of article 71 of the constitution, I order it to be printed, circulated, and communicated to the bureau of justice, worship, and instruction for the necessary steps to be taken for its observance.

  • Nicañor Alvarez Calderón,
    President of Congress.
  • Victor Castro Iglesias,
    Secretary of Congress.
  • Emesto L. Raez,
    Secretary of Congress.