Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton.

No. 985.]

Sir: I have to inform you that the President has issued his warrant authorizing William Desmond to take into custody Charles Kratz, a fugitive from the justice of the United States, charged with bribery, who has taken refuge in Mexico, and who is to be surrendered to the proper authorities of the United States.

The telegraphic correspondence between you and the Department shows that the provisional detention of Kratz was granted by the Mexican Government as an act of comity, upon the assurance by this Government of reciprocity, should occasion arise.

In formally making the request for Kratz’s extradition, which I now instruct you to do, you will notify the Mexican Government that the Government of the United States makes the promises required by the Mexican law of May 19, 1897, and promises strict reciprocity in any case of bribery committed in Mexico prior to the date of the supplemental convention of extradition between the two countries.

I inclose the papers in the case, duly authenticated by the Mexican consul at St. Louis, and by this Department. The certificate of the Department will require authentication by you.

Mr. Desmond has gone to Mexico, and he will place himself in communication with you. The warrant of surrender is, therefore, inclosed herewith, for delivery by you to him.

I am, etc.,

John Hay.