Mr. Meyer to Mr.
American Embassy,
Rome, January 14,
No. 225.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt, on January 11, of your cable dispatch dated January 10.
I immediately communicated the contents of this cablegram to the minister
for foreign affairs and on the same day was informed by him that he was
consulting the Governments of Germany and Great Britain before replying.
A copy of the minister’s note with translation is inclosed herein.
I am, etc.,
Mr. Prinetti to
Mr. Meyer.
Mr. Ambassador: In the letter which your
excellency addressed to me to-day you did me the honor of informing
me, as per telegram from your Government, dated yesterday, that Mr.
Bowen will leave Cape St. Lucas to-morrow for Washington and that
Mr. Bowen has intimated that the blockade is causing great scarcity
of provisions and threatening general distress. Your excellencv
mentions this to me with the hope that the propriety of raising the
blockade at the earliest possible moment may be considered.
[Page 610]
In reply to this communication I hasten to inform you, Mr.
Ambassador, that concerning the matter to which it refers I
immediately placed myself in communication with the Governments of
Germany and England with the object of coordinating my reply with
that which those Governments are about to make to the analogous
communication which doubtless they too have received.
Pray accept, etc.,