Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay.
Peking, April 18, 1903.
Sir: I have the honor to confirm my telegram of to-day.
The period during which the second portion of Manchuria was to be evacuated by the Russians terminated on the 8th instant. From many places the troops have been withdrawn, some to Port Arthur and some to other garrisoned places in the vicinity of the railway, but none, it is reported, being take out of Manchuria. Some have been removed from Niuchwang, but 200 are still left there, and the administration of the place has not yet been turned over to the Chinese authorities.
The Russian minister tells me that the reason for delay is that they (the Russians) insist upon some effective and permanent sanitary commission—composed probably of the foreign consuls, the taotai, commissioner of customs, and a Russian doctor—being first organized in order that they may be assured in the future of such quarantine regulations as will prevent the spread of cholera or plague through Niuchwang along their railway into the interior.
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I have, etc.,