Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 7, 1903
Mr. Swenson to Mr. Hay.
Copenhagen, March 13, 1903.
Sir: I inclose herewith clippings from Berlingske Tidende and the London Times, commenting on the German Emperor’s approaching visit to the Danish court.
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I have, etc.,
Visit of His Majesty Emperor William.
His Majesty the German Emperor, who desires to convey his felicitations in person on the occasion of our King’s eighty-fifth birthday anniversary, April 8, will, in view of the fact that this date occurs during Holy Week, arrive at the court April 2, 5 o’clock in the afternoon. During his stay, which is expected to last till April 4, the Emperor will occupy quarters in Christian VII palace.
It will afford the Danish Government and the Danish people sincere satisfaction to extend a hearty welcome to the exalted monarch of our mighty neighboring Empire, whose sympathy and affection for our aged King finds expression in the proposed visit. We cherish the confident hope that His Majesty the Emperor will have an opportunity through this visit to convince himself that the Danish people have appreciated the splendid reception accorded our crown prince on all sides, when his royal highness visited Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress at Potsdam last fall.
The Emperor William and Denmark.
[Clipping from London Times of March 10, 1903.]
[From our correspondent.]
It has, for a long time, been rumored that the Emperor William would come to Copenhagen in order to congratulate the venerable King Christian on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday on April 8. It is now officially reported that the Emperor is to arrive on April 2, but that he will not stay until the 8th of that month, because the latter date is in Holy Week.
Some months ago the Danish crown prince went to Berlin—a visit which created some sensation in view of the somewhat strained relations which still existed between Denmark and Germany on the question of North Schleswig. The Danish crown prince was received in Germany with great honor and regard by the always chivalrous Emperor, and the visit created an agreeable impression in Denmark. Here it was considered good policy on the part of the heir to the throne to cultivate better [Page 384] political relations with the powerful German Empire, with which Denmark has an annual trade equal to that with Great Britain, each of them amounting roundly to one-third of all Danish trade with foreign countries. The Emperor, therefore, has had a double reason for making the short journey to the sound.
Most likely, however, there are reasons above and beyond these. To the English public the North Schleswig question might possibly appear a petty one. In Scandinavian countries it is, however, not forgotten that 200,000 Danes are living south of the Danish frontier, and that German officials by repressive and coercive methods persecute the Danish language in Danish-speaking districts, particularly in the schools, even though certain events of the last few months seem to point rather toward conciliation. According to the Austro-Prussian peace of 1866 North Schleswig was to be given back to Denmark if the inhabitants voted for that course. Prussia took no serious step to fulfill this treaty, and when King Christian’s youngest daughter, Princes Thyra, in 1878 married the legitimate, but by Prussia unacknowledged, heir to the Kingdom of Hanover, the Duke of Cumberland, that ominous paragraph 5 in the convention was extinguished by a new convention. The Duke and Duchess of Cumberland are now here, and the general opinion was that they would stay till after April 8, A topic of the date is the question, Will they stay or leave?
The Danish court was officially informed on March 1 that the Kaiser would like to pay a visit, and on Friday last His Imperial Majesty, having received King Christian’s invitation, fixed April 2 as the date of his arrival. The Emperor once before, immediately after his accession to the throne, visited Copenhagen. That is about fifteen years ago now. When he drove through the streets on that occasion some hooting was heard. Since that day he has grown in public opinion and esteem. He may be sure of a respectful, possibly a hearty, reception.
The Duke of Cumberland.
[Clipping from London Times of March 12, 1903.]
[From our correspondent.]
The Danish newspapers publish only brief comments on the announcement of the Emperor William’s intended visit to Copenhagen. This reserve may be connected with the presence of the Duke of Cumberland at the Danish court, where he intended, as usual, to stay till after King Christian’s birthday, on April 8. It is confidently reported to-day that the duke and duchess and both their daughters are inclined to leave shortly, though his royal highness, out of respect for the Danish court, will feel bound to avoid anything which might be disagreeable to the German Emperor during the latter’s visit here. Everything goes to show that the Emperor has not taken any effective steps toward a conciliation with the duke; otherwise, some evidence of the fact would certainly have become public by this time. The duke’s political adviser, Herr von der Wense, arrived here last night and had a long conference to-day with his royal highness, the result of which is not yet known. A telegram received here to-day states that the duke’s youngest son, Prince Ernest Augustus, is lying ill with measles at Gmünden.
March 11.
The question whether the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland would stay here during the Emperor William’s visit is now answered by the official announcement that, in consequence of the illness of Prince Ernest Augustus, their royal highnesses, with their two daughters, will leave during the next few days, certainly not later than Monday next. This decision has caused some sensation in court and political circles here. Without commenting at length on the suzbject I may remark that the official communication would have probably been framed in different terms if the Emperor William had sought a more direct means of approaching the Duke of Cumberland instead of simply announcing that he would pay a visit to the Danish court at a time when he must know or presume that the duke would be in Copenhagen.
The Emperor himself is assured of a good reception here, since, notwithstanding the ever present North Schleswig question, public opinion is very favorable to him personally as a man of will and ideas.