Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay.

No. 712.]

Sir: The President, in accordance with paragraph 4, article 68, of the constitution, which provides—

He (the President) shall present to Congress at the opening of each legislative session, and at such other times as he may deem proper, a message relating to the [Page 360] acts of his administration, demonstrating the general condition of the Republic; and he shall furthermore recommend the adoption of such laws and resolutions as he may deem necessary or advantageous,

addressed to Congress a message (translation inclosed herewith) setting forth in considerable detail “the acts of the administration” and “the general condition of the Republic,” but limiting his recommendations for future legislation to matters already touched upon in his previous messages or to questions of minor importance.

The message was laid before Congress Monday November 2, the first day of the present session.

* * * * * * *

The most satisfactory reference is to the financial condition. He shows an increase from April 1 to November 1 (his last message being dated April 6)—a period of seven months—of $1,204,903.06. The two most important matters now before the Cubans are the budget and the loan. Both have been reserved to a future time and message. I understand the budget is not to exceed $16,000,000, although the President has endeavored to limit the amount to $15,000,000.

The following is a brief summary of the various subjects mentioned:

With respect to the loan, the President says the commissioners sent to the United States returned with the impression that the loan could be secured in the American market. An increase of the artillery force is recommended, as well as a consolidation of the present armed forces.

Comparing the existing postal and telegraph service with that under the intervention, Mr. Palma is not generous enough to concede that we established this system and turned over to the Republic a well-founded working basis. Additional postal treaties have been proposed and the telegraph lines are rebuilding. Sanitary laws must be reformed, though it is conceded that under their working health conditions are excellent.

International relations are entirely satisfactory. Museums in Cuban consulates, where the country’s products can be exhibited, are under study.

Political relations with the United States are progressing satisfactorily. The President has great faith in the early approval of the reciprocity treaty, and expresses appreciation of the generous support of the President of the United States. Treaties of friendship, commerce, and navigation are under way, as are also some extradition treaties. The Cuban Republic has been invited to participate in numerous expositions. The judiciary is satisfactory, but better salaries are needed in order to secure better officials. The department of public works has done much and has much room to do more, and at least $1,500,000 should be spent in improvements for some years to come. The department of agriculture has discharged its routine duties, and attention is invited to the possibilities of this department. The department of public instruction is commended, though some minor changes in the law are necessary to insure a disinterested selection of teachers.

I have, etc.,

H. G. Squiers.
[Page 361]

President Palma to the Cuban Congress.

To the Congress:

Peace and Order.

Three and a half months have elapsed since the last session of the national Congress ended. The public administration has continued in its regular course. The love of our people for the institutions that rule us and their firm purpose not to permit anyone nor anything to place them in danger has grown from day to day. Our people are thoroughly identified with the Republic. They consider it their own incarnation and they are extremely zealous for its preservation. Our people understand that the greatest guarantees of the stability of the Republic are peace and order, and consider any act directed to perturbation of public tranquillity a criminal attempt on the existence of their patria. Thus is to be explained the cry of indignation that resounded from one end of the island to the other on its becoming known about the middle of September that several armed men had tried to provoke a perturbation in the country. All classes of society, all the people, moved by the impulse of a single sentiment—their unblemished love for Cuba—hastened to energetically protest against that iniquitous attempt and to demonstrate with eloquent manifestations of adhesion to the legitimately constituted government their firm resolution to contribute at all costs to the preservation of order and thus maintain unimpaired the prestige of the Cuban nation. This noble attitude of our people honestly measures its political morality, its sound patriotism, and capacity for self-government. Be this reason for congratulation on the part of all, of just pride for our race, and of full confidence in our future.

recent disturbances.

The following is an exposition of what happened in consequence of the nonsensical act I have mentioned.

Several men, belonging or not to the liberating army, conceived, by their own initiative or influence of others, the absurd idea of gathering together 400 or 500 armed men, and, taking advantage of my visit to the eastern provinces, of presenting themselves to me in Santiago, demanding the immediate payment of the army. Did those men really believe that they would in that manner secure the immediate payment or did that ignoble and absurd purpose, necessarily rejected by the noble veterans of our wars of independence, cover some other purpose? Be the purpose that guided them what it may, hardly had they begun to put it into execution when they became convinced that agitators and disturbers have no place in Cuba; that here, without exception of classes, we are all equally subject to the requirements of the laws, under the action of the authorities, who have the people to rely upon as their most firm support.

On Sunday, September 13, the leaders of the movement gathered together in Sevilla, a ward of Caney. On that day and the following one they succeeded in getting to join them sixty or seventy men, the majority armed, some compelled by force and others attracted by deceptive methods. But on that same day, the 13th, the colonel, chief of the rural guard, in accord with the civil governor of the province, had taken proper steps to pursue the secessionists and prevent any other heedless fellows or others in harmony from joining them. Those measures and others adopted resulted on the 14th in the capture of four armed men; on the 15th in the band being fired upon and the seizure of horses, saddles, and a rifle; on the 16th mistrust and division now reigning between the leaders themselves, in them firing on each other, one being killed, another wounded; in all those men who had joined through deception or against their will taking advantage of the occasion to escape and make their way to their homes; and, after an active pursuit day and night, in the capture on the 21st and 22d of the remaining leaders. In this manner and a short space of time an end was put to the disturbance, which has served to demonstrate once more the efficacy of the rural guard, its discipline and the high opinion it has of its duties as an organization for public security (which duties it performs foreign to everything but obedience to the Government)—that is to thoroughly satisfy the honorable and patriotic ends of that institution. The only remaining trace of that incident is the judicial proceeding initiated to the end that the courts of justice may apply to the guilty ones the punishment prescribed by law.

Identical was the result of another attempt at disturbance, which, in the middle of last July, was initiated by four men of doubtful morality if not of bad antecedents, [Page 362] who, starting from Vicana, in the district of Manzanillo, entered the district of Bayamo. They seized arms and effects in a shop in the ward of Bueycito and also proclaimed the payment of the army. They also sought irresponsibles who would follow them. The civil governor of the province and the chief of the rural guard issued orders that they be relentlessly pursued. The rural guard, efficiently aided by people of the surroundings, veterans of independence, overtook the band on the 26th and made one of them a prisoner. On the following day the band was again engaged, the leader and two companions being killed in the firing that took place.

The audiencia of Santiago de Cuba at once named a special judge to take cognizance of the affair.

It attracts attention that first the outlaws of Vicana and then those of Sevilla both gave the seditious cry of “the payment of the army.” It can easily be supposed that behind those who had the boldness to show their faces and take the consequences were others less courageous but more responsible, genuine producers of both attempts at disturbing the public order. Be that as it may, the perpetrators of the deed in both cases, as well as the instigators, if instigators there were, tried to soil the clean history of the liberating army, villianously endeavoring to convert the sacred standard of the solitary star into the ignomihous flag of vulgar and odious mercenaries. The pretext, further than being infamous and criminal, seemed to absolutely have some foundation.

Liquidation of the Army Debt.

The executive placed in the hands of commanders of great prestige, under the presidency of one of the most illustrious treasures of both wars of independence, the important mission of liquidating the army debt. The work was done without interruption, from August of 1902 up to July of the present year, resulting in a total of 53,774 men being recognized as members of the liberating army, whose pay has been liquidated in due form.

Liquidation for officers in civil capacities with military ranks remaining undone, the executive duly informed the Congress, which by a resolution of July 24 of the present year directed the appointment of another commission charged with terminating pending work and passing upon claims presented in a specific period. In compliance with this resolution, the names of those who had obtained the liquidation of their pay, and those whose claims had not been approved, have been published in the official gazette since July 31, and by groups.

The period prescribed for reclamations was then opened at once; rules were published for the better understanding of the various directions comprised in the resolution mentioned, and finally a new commission was appointed, assuming office on September 24.

the loan.

The special tax law of February 27 last, to meet interests on and redeem the $35,000,000 loan for the payment of the army, having been enacted, this matter has not been neglected for a moment. The most efficacious means of collecting the taxes and adoption of preliminary measures for enforcing the law from the first of this month have been studied with the greatest interest. At the same time the executive, considering it most important to send abroad a commission composed of one or two members of each house or of one of them, and of distinguished leaders of the liberating army, asked to that end, in a message of July 13, that Congress vote the necessary appropriation. This was done. The commission having been formed in the manner contemplated, it set out for New York on September 12, where it arrived on the 15th on precisely the same day that news of the trouble at Sevilla was given to the four winds. Fortunately the good judgment abroad in the good sense of the Cuban people, and to which they are entitled by prior proofs of love of order and exemplary patriotism, contributed not a little, together with the personal prestige of our commissioners, toward promptly causing to vanish the bad impression produced by the reports when first received and their not being an obstacle to the commission at once taking up its work. I will shortly report to the Congress, by a special message, the result obtained by the commissioners, who have already returned, considering it unnecessary to continue on to Europe, and the loan secured in the American market. By the preceding succinct statement of matters proof is given of the zeal and interest of the executive power in giving at the earliest date possible a satisfactory solution to the national problem of the payment of the army, which has served as a peace-breaking pretext to turbulent spirits, entirely foreign to the sublime ideals of the martyrs of independence and the noble patriots who struggled on and off the field of armed contention to establish, with an orderly and pacific [Page 363] people, a free, prosperous, and happy patria. Excepting the disagreeable incidents referred to, there have been no disturbances of public order worthy of mention. Most thorough tranquillity reigns throughout the island, and the effects of the labor and activity of our people, unmistakable signs of the confidence animating all, are to be noted everywhere.

* * * * * * *

the universal postal union.

The Republic of Cuba has entered the Universal Postal Union through the adhesion of the Government, ratified by the Senate, to the convention signed in Washington on July 15, 1897, by the nations belonging to the Postal Union. Adhesion to the additional arrangements of the same convention relative to exchange of packages and postal orders and collection service has remained in suspense at the request of the department of posts until certain indispensable changes are made.

postal treaty with the united states.

The postal treaty for the exchange of mail has also been concluded between this Republic and that of the United States. It took effect on October 9 of the present year, and the making of another with that country is contemplated. It substitutes the present modus vivendi with respect to the exchange of postal orders.

postal treaty with mexico.

The convention for the exchange of mail and parcels made with the United States of Mexico, in the text of which the Senate of Cuba introduced some changes, can be considered to have failed, for the Mexican Senate being in recess when those amendments were made known to that country they could not be submitted in time for the approval of that body, consequently, the ratifications could not be exchanged in the stipulated time.

proposed postal treaties.

Up to the present date the German Empire and the Republic of France have signified their desire to make special conventions with Cuba for the exchange of packages and postal orders.


In the department of telegraphs, as was said in my former message, the principal struggle has been with the poor construction of the lines, which were installed in all haste at the termination of the war, wooden posts of easy deterioration being used therein. The lines, therefore, have required frequent repairs, in some places complete reconstruction, and even different routes from those selected by the Signal Corps of the United States. This has occurred with the line to Baracoa, which previously went to Sagua de Tanamo to reach Guantanamo, and now goes direct to this point as in Spanish times.

The Government proposes to take important steps toward improving the lines, and to this end has set aside since the month of August last the sum of $10,000 monthly.

Since the establishment of the Republic to the present date the following lines have been reconstructed: From Baracoa to Guantanamo, from Guane to Mantua, from Vinales to Consolacion del Norte, and from Guane to Las Martinas. All were of some length, and with these lines these towns have been put in communication with the rest of the island. In addition to this work a cable between Mariel and the quarantine station of the same name has been established.

When the intervention ended there were eighty-four telegraph stations. Now ninety are working, and the opening of others in towns of relative importance is under study.

Need for Legislation on Sanitary Organization.

In previous messages I explained in detail the singular situation of the executive power due to Military Order No. 159, of 1902, which regulates the “sanitary service of the Republic,” and as the difficulties pointed out in said messages still exist I again call the attention of the Congress to the necessity of definitely fixing the organization to be given this important branch of the administration.

[Page 364]

Health Conditions.

The state of public health is excellent throughout the island. Mortality statistics of Habana, prior to the present scarlatina epidemic, presented proportionally figures as low as those obtained in the best-cared-for cities. Particularly to be noticed is the extraordinary decrease in deaths from diseases known as “avoidable,” and the entire absence of those which, such as smallpox and yellow fever, seem to have been torn by the roots out of this soil, where they always had their naturalization certificates. Under this aspect our credit abroad has been clearly demonstrated in the total suppression of quarantine in all United States ports with respect to vessels coming from Cuba; also is it proved by the congratulations and requests for data on sanitary methods received from different countries.

* * * * * * *

International Relations.

International relations of the Republic are becoming closer each day with those nations to which we are united politically and commercially, and it can be affirmed that none of the matters pending settlement will affect the good friendship we maintain with them. Since the message I had the honor to send the Congress on April 6 last, credentials have been presented by the minister resident of His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of Chile. Nearly all the Governments, even of those countries with whom we have limited relations, have established consular agencies in Cuba, there being accredited in this Republic now ninety-two agencies of the said kind, and eleven diplomatic representatives.

Due as much to the duty of courtesy as the advantage to our country of diplomatic and consular representation, the executive has corresponded to the high honor and friendship nations have dispensed to the Republic by accrediting to the Governments of those nations diplomatic ministers or establishing consulates. The Government believes that in view of the sympathies that South American nations have always shown for us, and the importance of establishing in all of them permanent missions, it would be proper to send a special mission to greet said sister nations in the name of the Republic and to present to them the testimony of our most sincere friendship. I propose to address you ere long a private message on this important matter.

Our representation abroad consists of five legations, twenty-six consulates, and twenty-three honorary consuls. The results obtained up to the present time correspond to the effort made to establish this representation, for the reports our ministers and consuls have been able to furnish and the opportune rectification of reports of certain happenings, exaggerated abroad, they have had opportunity to make have served in an efficacious manner to destroy the bad impression that in the first days was produced by the news of those occurrences. Confidence in the ordered progress of the Republic was thus established. The Government proposes to create in the consular offices best equipped for the purpose commercial museums where exhibition can be had of samples of the natural, agricultural, and industrial products of the country which, by reason of their demand in foreign markets, their quality, and price, will be able to compete with similar products of other countries, and where also can be registered the addresses of the agriculturists, farmers, or merchants sending such samples and note made of such other suggestions as they may make toward making said products known. Through these museums we can avoid defraudation of the producer and consumer with deceptive imitations. The plan has been submitted to the general association of merchants and manufacturers and the union of cigar and cigarette manufacturers of Habana, and with their favorable reports the best method of putting the plan into practice, without great cost to the state, is under study.

The exhibition of our products can be made on a broader scale in the coining universal exposition at St. Louis, in which the Congress resolved to participate, and in the universal exposition to be inaugurated in Liege in April, 1905, if the necessary appropriation for exhibiting them is granted. This I take the liberty to again recommend in consideration of the formal and repeated invitation of His Majesty the King of Belgium.

Political Relations with the United States.

Our political relations with the United States have been definitely settled with the making of the treaties derived from the constitutional appendix, which appendix [Page 365] can be eliminated from our fundamental code when ratifications thereof, to which Article VIII refers, are exchanged. The Congress, by the simple reading of those treaties, can appreciate that considering the precise and peremptory terms of the Piatt law the Republic has attained not a few advantages in the negotiations had to make them. Our title to and sovereignty over the Island of Pines has been recognized; of two formulas of grant—“sale or lease”—of portions of territory to which the United States had the right for the establishment of naval and coaling stations, the one that would least wound Cuban sentiment was accepted; of said stations we granted the least number possible and the conditions inserted in the convention regulating the lease of the same are so many more limitations of that grant, all favorable to the Republic of Cuba. I should inform the Congress that the proper steps are being taken to acquire from the owners of private properties comprised within the limits given the naval and coaling stations, and to make formal transfer to the Government of the United States of the areas demarcated by the joint commission.

Honorable President Roosevelt, for whom the people of Cuba have such a deep appreciation, faithful to his promise and his own wishes, has convened the Congress in an extraordinary session to take up the commercial reciprocity treaty made with Cuba, from which Ave promise ourselves so many benefits. Information that the executive has from sources worthy of belief inspire the belief that the American Congress will ratify it, adopting the resolution necessary to put it in force.

Adhesion to the Literary and Art Union.

The invitation of the president of the Swiss Federation for Cuba to adhere to the Literary and Art Union and the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property having been accepted in principle the department of state has the matter under study, considering the advantageous results adhesion will give to the development of our exports; the industries of the country being protected against falsification of some of their products, such as tobacco, they will have greater demand in foreign markets. On this matter the Government of Germany has proposed to us the making of a convention. The department of state has under study also adhesion to the Brussels sugar convention of May 5, 1902.


Regarding the treaties of friendship, commerce, and navigation mentioned in my former message, negotiations have been initiated with the Governments of France, England, the United States of America, and Italy, and the drafts of treaties on these matters that have been presented by those Governments for our approval are now under discussion. Through them our present friendly relations with those countries will be strengthened and the operation of our diplomatic and consular representation in the said countries regulated, to the unquestionable advantage of commerce and navigation. I should also state that the treaties of extradition under negotiation with Belgium and the United States are about to be signed.

International Union of American Republics.

The International Union of American Republics, of which Cuba has formed a part since the early days of 1903, has been developing the programme resolved upon by the second conference held in Mexico in January of that year, and up to the present time a congress on coffee, a conference on international sanitary police, and a customs congress have been held. We were represented in the last two, as stated in my previous message. Important resolutions were adopted therein, such as recommending to the Governments of the American Republics the adoption of measures directed to favoring commerce and navigation and preserving them from the contagion of infectious diseases.

The congress of hygiene and demography, which was to meet in Brussels in the first week of September of this year, was held, and Cuba was duly represented therein.

Our Government is now invited by Argentina to attend the Latin Medical Congress to be held in Buenos Ayres in April of 1904; by the Government of Belgium to take part in a railway congress to be held in Washington in May, 1905, and by the Government of Italy to be represented in the sixth congress of the Postal Union to be inaugurated in Rome on April 21, 1904. Nothing has been done so far as to attending those congresses, although the Government is inclined to believe it should do so.

* * * * * * *

Acceptance having been decided by our Government of the invitation extended Cuba to participate with her agricultural, industrial, and commercial products, etc., in [Page 366] the International Exposition at St. Louis, United States of America, to be inaugurated in that city on April 30, 1904, and the law of July 20 last appropriating $80,000 to cover the expenses thereof having been enacted, the department has been since then looking after with the greatest interest the preparation of all the work necessary to that end, having appointed a board composed of the most prominent men of the organizations of commerce, science, arts, etc., to cooperate in carrying out our purposes. Cuba’s commission has also been appointed, and is now at St. Louis, doing all that is possible to succeed in our exhibitions being made in the best possible manner.

* * * * * * *


The moneys received and disbursed by the general treasury of the Republic since my former message, the 6th of April, to October 3 I have been as follows:

Funds on hand April 1, 1903 $2,638,536.33
April $1,372,005.94
May 1,349,954.21
June 1,884,658.12
July 1,844,688.23
August 1,555,994.24
September 1,733,129.15
October 1,644,130.20
Total 14,023,096.42
April $1,311,470.72
May 1,359,612.16
June 1,401,608.71
July 1,602,867.52
August 1,428,747.79
September 1,629,023.90
October 1,446,326.23
On hand November 1 3,843,439.39

Beginning with the month of April expenses have been increasing in consequence of the appropriations made by the Congress for public works, sanitation, and other things of general character, and by reason of the reorganization of the rural guard, as per the law of October 18, 1902, with the modifications later adopted. Despite the receipts of the treasury and the funds allotted in the time mentioned there is a surplus of $1,204,903.06, and if to this is added the funds on hand April 1 the balance on the first of the present month is $3,843,439.39.

From this balance we must deduct the sum of $671,166.82, pledged for the public works ordered by the following laws:

By that of February 19, 1903, balance of the appropriation of $600,000 $450,166.82
Building for the House of Representatives, law of July 23 150,000.00
For the transfer of the State prison, law of July 20 $100,000
Used 29,000
Total 671,166.82

To this sum must also be added $212,031.56, unspent up to October 31 last of the sum alloted also for public works.

Said sum of $212,031.56 is made up in the following manner:

Balances of allotments made by the military government:

Province of Matanzas $67,147.15
Province of Santa Clara 9,074.91
Province of Santiago de Cuba 47,431.66

[Page 367]

Balance of allotments made by the Executive for works the continuation of which was ordered by article 3 of the law of February 19, 1903:

Province of Pinar del Rio $6,218.52
Province of Habana 9,596.43
Province of Matanzas 32,657.68
Province of Santa Clara 13,703.78
Province of Puerto principie 16,411.11
Province of Santiago de Cuba 4,856.50
General works 4,933.82

Making a total of $883,198.38.

In addition there is a monthly allotment of $6,000 for the following works:

Road from Manzanillo to Calicito $1,500
Road from Bayamo to Baire 3,000
Road from Manzanillo to Bayamo 1,500
Total 6,000

Special and ordinary obligations have been paid with all punctuality with the authority granted me by the laws of July 12 and September 5, 1902. The examination of accounts of the last fiscal year, definitely closed by the limitation of the law of September 30 last, will be finished shortly. Subject to presenting them a general report on the use of public funds during the said period, I to-day comply with my duty of anticipating some data regarding the use of the authorizations mentioned.

By the first of said laws I was authorized to pay all expenses corresponding to the months of July and August of that year, including not only those appearing in the budget for the month of June, but the expenses of the allotments for the President’s office, the houses of Congress, and the diplomatic corps, etc. By that of September 5 I was authorized, under the same conditions, to pay the expenses of the Government until the budget should be promulgated. The budget left approved by the military governor of the island of Cuba for the month of June, 1902, amounted to $1,175,801.58, and the total amount of orders to advance funds in the past fiscal year was $15,510,534.80, of which, deducting $1,713,886.41, the amount of warrants chargeable to allotments made by special laws, give a net total for the year of $13,796,648.39, regular obligations, or a monthly average of $1,149,720.70, there being a difference in each month in favor of the ordinary allotment $26,080.56, or $312,966.64 for the year, of which no use has been made.

Funds placed to the credit of disbursing officers have been as follows for said fiscal year:

Legislative power $438,757.15
President and vice-president 63,563.41
Total 502,320.56
Department of state and justice, including the judicial power 1,212,723.64
Department of government 4,619,636.64
Department of public instruction 3,783,161.53
Department of the treasury 2,181,887.86
Department of agriculture, industries, and commerce 103,892.45
Department of public work 3,106,912.12
Total 15,510,534.80

The sum of $1,713,886.41, representing the amount of allotments deducted in consequence of special laws from the $15,510,534.80 paid in requisitions for funds during the fiscal year of 1902–3, is made up as follows:

Legislative power $451,055.58
Executive power 53,621.98
Department of government 779,395.30
Department of state and justice 161,424.70
Department of public instruction 6,567.72
Department of the treasury 10,998.78
Department of agriculture, industries, and commerce 3,875.28
Department of public work 246,947.07
Total 1,713,886.41

[Page 368]

Of the $779,395.50 for the department of government, $412,248.08 is for “postalorder funds” and represents the remittances made to the United States during the said year to cover the value of orders issued against that country.

Of the allotment of $300,000 made by the law of June 10, 1902, for incidental expenses there is yet a balance of $31,690.80.

I take the liberty to again recommend to the Congress, as done in my message of April 6, the advisability of always having in the treasury a sufficient reserve fund to meet any emergencies that might arise. I also urge with no less interest the necessity of normalizing the economic affairs of the state, approving the draft of budget which, for the coming year, I will present shortly in compliance with the provision of the constitution, paragraph 5, article 68.

The state continues paying the expenses of provincial and municipal services, which amount to more than 40 per cent of the expenditures, and it is now time to take up the transfer of some of these expenses to the local organizations, since the last budgets of not a few municipalities have been balanced with a surplus. Thus a greater amount of national receipts can be used in public works to favor agriculture in the measure that circumstances require and in conformity with the wishes of the executive.

The advisability of our having some maritime legislation suggests itself, for ruling provisions are not in harmony with the new juridic status of the country.

In the draft of budget is proposed the creation in the department of the treasury of a special bureau of navigation and inspection of vessels attached to the customs service, in order to regulate those services in so far as it may be of their jurisdiction, but it is necesssary that the thought be complemented with adequate legislation by the adoption also of measures tending to favor our merchant marine worthy of protection.

Due to the rigorous observance of the immigration and quarantine laws, we have succeeded in preventing from entering the country undesirable and pernicious people, and we have also avoided the importation of many maladies, among them the terrible yellow fever, smallpox, etc.

I likewise call the attention of the Congress to reforming the regulations on immigration, with the object in view of resolving that important social and economic problem which to-day more than ever preoccupies us by the necessity of immigrants coming here with the intention of working and establishing their home here, not to convert themselves into public charges or floating population, which would offer no benefit to the progress and betterment of the Republic; immigrants with families, healthy, strong, industrious, and easily adaptable to the climate and social conditions of Cuba. The executive urges the importance of the matter, which agriculturalists consider it of the greatest urgency to resolve.

The collection of the taxes created by the law of February 27 has begun in conformity with the regulation issued on September 11, and in virtue of the authorization granted me to put said taxes into effect immediately. The regulation has been adjusted to the limitations of that law, with the modifications made by the laws of May 8 and June 13. It has been impossible to enforce them before, because it was necessary to wait until the stamps used in their collection could be printed, they being considered the most efficacious manner of satisfactorily effecting the collection, and in order that it might be shown that each taxpayer had paid his proportion. At the start all taxes of this kind encounter difficulties of enforcement and collection, but the executive expects that they will be collected without obstacles “and that those called upon to pay them will be disposed to do so legally in order not to incur the penalties prescribed. The revenue from these taxes is considered sufficient to pay the interests on the loan of $35,000,000, and it is to be desired that occurrences will confirm this belief so that we will not have to recur to those taxes on exportation of tobacco and manufacture of sugar, suspended until the redemption begins.

The protests made against some of the provisions of the regulation have been heeded in so far as they were just, for it is the desire of the executive, as it will ever be, to harmonize in so far as it is his duty the interests of the administration and those of the contributors.

I take the liberty to call to mind the message I sent Congress on April 3, 1903, relative to the sale of the Triscornia Railroad. The contract on parcel No. 1, expiring on September 30 last, has been extended for three months at a rental of $780, half of which was paid under the contract of November 13, 1900. This measure was adopted in order to give Congress time to pass upon my request in behalf of the interests of our treasury, otherwise that property will be completely ruined, it having no application whatsoever and being a burden by reason of the said rent and the cost of vigiling the line and warehouses.

I have endeavored in this message to thoroughly comply with the constitutional precept, [Page 369] setting forth all that refers to acts of the administration and the general condition of the Republic. The purpose of the executive has always been to adjust all its acts to the laws and our fundamental charter, as well as to contribute to the extent of its power to the welfare of the Cuban people and aggrandizement and prosperity of the Republic.

T. Estrada Palma.