Mr. Buchanan to Mr. Hay.

No. 9.]

Sir: I beg to inclose at the request of his excellency the minister for foreign affairs a certified document showing the action had by certain municipalities of this Republic in the matter of the ratification of the action of the junta of the provisional government in making the treaty with our Government known as the Hay-Varilla treaty. This method of ratification, as the Department knows, is that which has been followed in Colombia during many occasions and especially when any matter of importance has been before the country.

In this connection I beg to refer the Department to a portion of my note of the 27th instant.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Wm. Buchanan.
[Page 334]

act of the municipal council of calobre.

At the capital of the municipal district of Calobre, at 2 in the afternoon of the 2d day of December, 1903, in the hall of the municipal house, the district council constituted itself in solemn session with the attendance of its members, Messrs. Cristobal Castillo, president; Belisario Cocio, Salvador Vasquez, and Genarino Castillo; acting as secretary of the same, Mr. Juan Bautista.

There were also present, by special invitation, Mr. Demetrio Vasquez, mayor of the district; Pedro E. Vasquez, municipal attorney, and a large number of citizens.

At the opening of the session the president made known to the corporation the object of the call, and thereupon Salvador Vasquez, voting member, made the following motion:

The municipal council of the district of Calobre, voicing the sentiments of the community it represents, freely and spontaneously resolves—

To signify to the junta of government that represents our Republic of Panama that, animated by the absolute confidence we place in it, we give our vote of approval to any action it may take in regard to the canal contract.

This motion being submitted to debate, was approved by a unanimous vote. The council directed these presents be sent to the prefect of this province in order that it may be transmitted through him to the junta of government of Panama.

The present act is written out for record and signed by all the officers present at the session.

  • Cristobal Castillo,
  • P. Urriola,
  • Salvador Vasquez,
  • Genarino Castillo,
  • Belisario Cocio,
    Voting Members.
  • Demetrio Vasquez,

Resolution unanimously approved at the special session of the 3d of December, 1903.

The municipal council of Panama, considering:

That on the 2d day of this month the treaty concluded in Washington between Mr. Philippe Bunau-Varilla, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama, and His Excellency Mr. John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States of North America, on the 18th of November last, for the excavation of a ship canal across the territory of our Isthmus, was ratified in this city by the junta of provisional government;

That the said treaty maintains and guarantees on the part of the Government of the United States the independence of the Republic of Panama;

That the municipal council of this district, with full knowledge of its high mission, and also considering itself in the full enjoyment of popular sympathy and support, solemnly demonstrated on the 4th of November when the independence of the Isthmus was proclaimed in public meeting, adheres to its firm purpose to give expression to all that it feels ought to be done for the permanent safety of the Republic of Panama, its practicable and immediate advancement;

That it appreciates and applauds the inestimable benefit the Republic of Panama derives from the assurance of its protection given by the power of the American people;

That the Republic of Panama, under the mighty influence of the nation as preeminent as is that of the United States, will shine with splendor among all the other republics of America;

That the redeeming work of the interoceanic canal means material and moral progress, for it opens a wide field to commerce, to agriculture, to the progress of science, arts, and universal navigation, resolves:

To signify its complete approval of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty and give public testimonial of applause to the junta of government and to every one of the ministers of the department.

[Page 335]

To send a copy of this resolution to the junta of Government through the regular channel, and to make it known to the public by means of handbills and through the press.

  • Demetrio H. Brid,
  • R. Aizpuru,
  • José Maria Chiari R.,
  • A. Arias F.,
  • S. Lewis,
  • Ricardo M. Arango,
  • Dario Vallarino,
  • José B. Villareal,
  • Fabio Arosemena,
  • Manuel J. Cucalón,
  • J. Francisco de la Ossa,
    Municipal Mayor.
  • Leopoldo Guillén,
    Municipal Attorney.

Resolution unanimously approved by the municipal council of Aguadulce in special session on the 2d of December, 1903.

The municipal council of Aguadulce, faithful interpreter of the sentiments of the community it represents, having heard that the most excellent junta of government of the Republic this day approved the treaty concluded with the Government of the United states for the construction of the canal, a measure of salvation and of transcendant importance for the interests of the Isthmus, resolves:

To signify its concurrence in the approbation given to the said treaty to the most excellent junta of government.

This resolution shall be transmitted by telegraph and published in the official bulletin of this city.

  • Joaquin Mendez,
    President of the Council.
  • José M. Galvo,
  • Julio Vargas C.,
    Voting Member.
  • Ladislao Sosa,
    Acting Secretary.

Resolution unanimously approved by the municipal council of Natá.

The municipal council of Natá, in the exercise of its legal powers, and faithfully interpreting the tacit will of the people it represents, and considering that the action of the most excellent gentlemen who constitute the junta of the government is in every way identical with the opinion of the communities of this Republic of Panama, resolves:

To give a vote of confidence and applause to the honorable junta of government for its final approval of the canal treaty, concluded between the plenipotentiary ministers of the United States of North America and of our Republic, which vote of confidence and applause for this so successful course we give to include its worthy ministers.

Given in the council hall on the 3d day of the month of December, 1903.

  • Raimundo Gonzalez,
  • Juan B. Urriola O.,
  • José G. Barragán,
  • Manuel Sandoval,
  • Bernardo Macias,
    Voting Members.
  • Gregorio Porras,
[Page 336]

Note of the president of the municipal council at Santiago de Veragua.

No. 8.]

The Prefect of the Province, Present:

The municipal council of this district at its session of this date has just approved, by a unanimous vote, the following resolution:

The municipal council of Santiago de Veragua, having learned that the convention concluded with the North American Government for the opening of the interoceanic canal across the Isthmus has been signed and has been already approved by the most excellent junta of government of the Republic of Panama and by its ministry, resolves:

Declare its approval of the said treaty and give a vote of confidence to all the members of the Government of the Republic for the patriotic interest they have evinced on behalf of the community of this Republic.

Let it be communicated to the most excellent junta of government to the prefect of this province.

Which I communicate to you for all necessary purposes.

May God have you in His keeping.

Elizardo Sanchez.

Resolution No. 4, approved by the municipal council of Sona.

The municipal council of Sona, animated by the most generous feelings of patriotism, and as ever consistent with the acts of this corporation, and considering—

That the separation of the Isthmus of Panama from the remainder of the Republic, an act solemnly achieved in the city of Panama of the 4th of November, 1903, and in the sight of the civilized world, is a fact beyond controversy.
That this political evolution and the recognition of the new Republic by the greater powers of the world have in fact cut asunder the ties that united the Isthmus to Colombia and forever sealed the independence of the Isthmus; and
That in virtue thereof Colombia has no longer any more right to interfere in the matters concerning Panama than it would in those of Africa or any other region far distant from us, resolves:

To adhere once more and in spontaneous manner to the declaration of the independence of the Isthmus of Panama, signed in the city of that name on the 4th of November last, and to approve and ratify in all its parts the treaty for the interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama, whatever be the terms or clauses that constitute the essence of this treaty, as well as all the acts that have emanated or may hereafter emanate from the most excellent junta of Government of the Republic of Panama.

  • José F. Calvino,
  • A. Grajales,
  • José Maria Dutari,
  • Anibal Arosemena,
    Voting Members.
  • Manuel H. Arosemena,
  • Dionisio Sosa,
    Municipal Attorney.
  • Manuel S. Reyes,
  • José F. Calviño, B.,

Resolution No. 2, approved by the municipal council of El Montijo at its extraordinary session of the 3d day of December, 1903.

The municipal council of El Montijo, in the exercise of its legal powers, and considering that the eminent citizens and distinguished patriots who have conducted and brought to success the glorious act of the independence of the Isthmus are called upon to continue to have charge of its general interests, and that at the present critical time they need the encouraging words of all the communities that are benefited thereby, resolves:

[Page 337]

That the spontaneous vote of approval and confidence be given the honorable junta of government of the Republic of Panama, in order that in the name of the people of the Isthmus, its constituents, they may approve the negotiations entered into with the Government of the United States of America in regard to the grand work of the interoceanic canal.

A copy of this resolution shall be transmitted by special delivery to the prefect of Veraguas, in order to be transmitted by him to the proper department with as little delay as possible.

  • José M. Trujillo,
  • Gregorio Urriola,
  • Valentin Rivas,
  • Claro Reyes,
    Voting Members.
  • Raúl Arosemena,

[Official telegrams.]

Junta of Government and Ministers of the Department, Panama:

Take pleasure in informing you that municipalities of Pesé, Los Santos, Las Minas y Ocu have enthusiastically approved treaty canal concluded by our Republic and the United States.

Resolutions will follow shortly.

Julio Arjona Q.

Santiago, December 2, 1903.

The Minister of Government, Panama:

The honorable council of this district authorizes me to inform the most excellent junta of government, through the most worthy channel of your excellency, that at the session of to-day it has given its approval to the canal treaty and passed a vote of confidence in the members of the government of the Republic for their patriotic interest in the great work of the salvation of the Isthmus.

I will send original by mail.

Osvaldo Lopez, Prefect.

Chorrera, December 7, 1903.

The Minister of Government, Panama:

Resolution unanimously approved by the municipal council of the district at the session of to-day, December 6, 1903.

The municipal council of La Chorrera, considering—

That the treaty concluded in Washington on the 18th of November last, for the opening of the Interoceanic Canal on the Isthmus, was approved by the provisional junta of the Republic of Panama, in the city of same name, on the 2d day of the present month;

That by the said treaty the independence of the Republic of Panama is assured and guaranteed by the Government of the United States of America;

That the municipal corporation of this district realizes the urgent necessity of proceeding promptly with the approval of the said document on grounds of external safety, though no official notice of any kind has yet been received;

That by virtue of the treaty in consideration the communities of the Isthmus will acquire the realization of the wishes of its sons and residents, inasmuch as the opening of the canal on their own territory is for the benefit of commerce and to the advantage of the world, resolves:

Unanimously to approve the treaty concluded between His Excellency Mr. Bunau-Varilla, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama, and His Excellency Mr. John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States.

Let a copy of these presents be sent to the honorable junta of government through the regular channels.

  • José del C. Sanchez,
  • Eusebio Diaz.
  • José Never a.
  • I. Nevera.
  • J. Jiménez.
  • Leopoldo Escala.
  • Daniel Aguilar.
  • D. Desedas, Secretary.
[Page 338]

I, H. A. Gudger, consul-general of the United States of America for Panama and the dependencies thereof, do hereby certify that I have examined carefully the original documents in the office of the General Government at Panama, sent in by the various municipalities throughout the Republic, approving the action of the provisional government, or junta, in ratifying the canal treaty with the United States of America, and that I have compared these original documents with those set forth in the printed sheet of the Gaceta Oficial, Numero Extraordinario, dated December 12, 1903, set forth above, and to which this certificate is attached, and that the publications therein set forth, in printed form, from the municipalities of Calobre, Panama, Aguadulce, Nata, Santiago de Veraguas, Sona, Montijo, Pese, Los Santos, Las Minas, Ocu, and La Chorrera are a true, correct, and perfect copy of the originals on file in the office of the Government of the Republic of Panama.

In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of this consulate general, this the 14th day of December, 1903.

H. A. Gudger,
United States Consul-General.

[Official Gazette, extraordinary number.]

Advice No. 17 (of December 6, 1903), by which ratification is given.

The municipal council of the district of Buenavista, considering—

That on the 2d instant the treaty signed at Washington on the 18th of November last for the excavation of an interoceanic canal was approved by the junta of the provisional government;

That in this agreement the independence of the Republic of Panama is guaranteed by the Government of the United States;

That for reasons of external security it is indispensable to proceed with celerity to the approval of the treaty;

That, by the treaty, the aspiration of the people of the Isthmus of Panama is realized—that the canal be excavated for its own service and for the benefit of universal commerce;

It is agreed:

Sole article. To give its approbation to the treaty solemnized between His Excellency Mr. Felipe Bunau-Varilla, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama, and His Excellency Mr. John Hay, Secretary of State of the Republic of the United States of America.

Given at Bohio, December 6, 1903.

The president,

Mateo Guardia.

The secretary,

Celedonio Isaza.

Bohio, December 7, 1903.

At the office of the mayor of the district of Buenavista.

Approved. Let it be published.

The mayor,

Abel Hormechea.

The secretary,

Celedonio Isaza.

Bohio, December 7, 1903.

The secretary of the mayor’s office,

Celdonia Isaza.

Advice No. 16 (December 4, 1903), by which approval is given.

The municipal council of Porto Bello, considering—

That on the 2d instant the treaty negotiated at Washington the 18th of last November for the construction of the interoceanic canal was approved by the junta of the provisional Government of Panama;

That in that treaty the independence of the Republic of Panama is guaranteed by the Government of the United States;

[Page 339]

That for reasons of external security it is indispensable to proceed with dispatch in the approval of the treaty;

That the treaty fulfills the aspirations of the people of the Isthmus of Panama that the canal be built for its own benefit and for the benefit of universal commerce;

It is agreed:

Sole article. To approve the treaty entered into between His Excellency Mr. Felipe Bunau-Varilla, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama, and His Excellency Mr. John Hay, Secretary of State of the Republic of the United States of America.

Given at Portobelo, the 4th of December, 1903.

The president,

Celso N. Rodriguez.

The secretary,

José R. Arroyo.

Republic of Panama, province of Colon.

Municipal mayorship of the District of Portobela, December 7, 1903.

Let this be carried into effect and published.

The mayor,

Sebastián de León.

The secretary,

Modesto Mark B.

True copy of the original. The secretary,

Modesto Mark B.

Resolution approved by the municipal council of David in special session December 11, 1903.

The municipal council of David, considering:

  • First. That on the 3d of this month the municipal council of Panama, as the principal guardian of the public interests of the Republic of Panama, and at whose initiation the proclamation of independence of the Republic was made, has issued a resolution approving the treaty negotiated at Washington, the 18th of November last, between Señor Philippe Bunau-Varilla, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama, and His Excellency Mr. John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States of North America, concerning the excavation of an interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama;
  • Second. That the aforesaid treaty has merited the approval of the provisional government of Panama, as is shown by the specific ratification which the members of said junta made of such agreement;
  • Third. That the Panama Canal means for the Isthmus, among other things, consecration of labor and security in the well-being of the country.

It is agreed—

To give public assent to the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty, so that as soon as possible a beginning may be given to the work of excavation of the canal across the Isthmus of Panama;

To recognize the action taken by the members of the junta of the provisional government in having approved, with the celerity which the case demanded, the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty, and to extend to them a vote of approval for their conscientious zeal of the interests of the Republic of Panama which were intrusted to their care;

To send a copy of this resolution to the provisional government junta, and to publish it in separate sheets for the information of the public.

Given at David, in the conference hall, the 11th of December, 1903.

The president,

Horacio Benitez.

The vice-president,

Luis M. Clement.

José de Obaldía Jované.

José P. Palma.

Carlos Bayó.

José Modesto Molina.

The secretary,

L. Barraza P.

At the capital in the municipal district of Las Palmas, on the 3d day of the month of December, 1903, in the Municipal Hall, the council of the district met in solemn session with the attendance of its members, Uladislao Castrellón, vice-president; Salvador Gordillo, José F. Benavides, and Julian Martinez, and the secretary, Mr. Rodolfo L. Castrellón.

[Page 340]

There were also present Mr. José Manuel de Adames, the municipal mayor, and a number of private citizens.

The session being opened, the vice-president enthusiastically set forth the purpose of the meeting, and the member, Julián Martinez, made the following motion:

The municipal council of Las Palmas, expressing the views of the free people, resolves—

To give, as is now given, a vote of approval of the interoceanic canal treaty, seconding the act of the Government junta and ministers.

Let this resolution be communicated to whom it may concern.

Upon the above resolution being submitted to discussion, it was unanimously approved.

For record, the resolution is signed by the members and officers present.

The vice-president,

Uladislao Castrellón.


Salvador Gordillo,

Julian Martinez,

José F. Benavides.


J. M. de Adames.

The secretary,

R. S. Castrellón.

At the capital of the municipality of La Mesa, at 9 a.m. on the 5th of December, 1903, in the customary place, the municipal council of the district met, with the attendance of all its members—Messrs. Pedro Tristán, presiding; Eulogio Solis, Narciso Barrio, Lorenzo Chamiso, and Avelino J. del Barrio, the last acting as secretary. The session being opened, the president set forth the object of the meeting and read the telegram addressed by the minister of justice to the prefect of the province, stating the approval that the Government junta and ministers had given to the canal treaty, whereupon the member, Narciso Barrio, made the following motion:

“The municipal council of the district of La Mesa, expressing the views of the constituent people, free and voluntarily resolves—

“To advise the Government junta of its assent to the approval given by it to the canal treaty, and to tender to it every aid.

“Let this be communicated to whom it may concern, and let it be published.”

Being submitted to debate, the resolution was approved unanimously. For record, the resolution is signed by all the members of the corporation, copies being made for transmission to the mayor, to be by him sent to its destination.

The president,

Pedro Tristan.


Eulogio Solís.


Narciso Barrio.


Lorenzo Chamiso.

The secretary,

Avelino J. del Barrio.

We, the undersigned residents of the municipality of La Mesa, comply with a just duty in announcing to the Government junta of the Republic of Panama our recognition and approval of its act approving the canal treaty negotiated between our minister and the Government of the United States. That act makes secure our future and our peace.

La Mesa, December 3, 1903.

José J. Alvarado, Alejandro Méndez, Nicolás Alcedo, Manuel María Alcedo, Octavio E. Ríos, José J. Tristán, Pedro Tristán, Manuel Medina, Lorenzo Chamiso, Manuel Medina, Valerio Medina, Darío Castillo, Eulogio Solís, Manuel S. Escudero, Moisés Vásquez, P. J. Alvarado, José Bolivar Castillo, José Dolores Barrio, Jerónimo Portugal, José J. Tristán M., Manuel S. Vargas, Efrain Castillo, José A. Castillo.

Members of the Government Junta, Panama.

Gentlemen: With the liveliest satisfaction we have learned of the approval which, in the exercise of your august faculties, you have given to the treaty negotiated by the United States and the commissioners of our Republic in Washington for the opening [Page 341] of an interoceanic canal. That act guarantees the interests of the isthmian nation and consolidates our Republic.

We therefore respectfully present to you our cordial recognition.

San Francisco, December 3, 1903.

Ladislao Rodríguez, Pastor Paredes, T. A. Adames, Juan Bautista González G., Mateo Gonzáles, Nicolás González H., Gonzálo M. González, Sebastián Paniza R., Juan Bonilla, Francisco González, Jacinto G. Rodríguez, Julio Rodríguez, Miguel Robles, Adolfo Bonilla, Eufrasio Montero, Jeremías Jaén, D. Rodriguez, Eulogio J. González E., Valerio Manila, Manuel de J. Palma, Wenceslao Aguilar H., Manuel Salvador Sanchez, José de la E. Mérida.

Resolution unanimously adopted by the municipal council of Taboga in the session of the 3d of December, 1903.

The municipal council of Taboga having learned that the treaty negotiated between the representative of the Republic of Panama in Washington and the Secretary of State of the United States, of the Government of the United States of. America, for the opening of an interoceanic canal across our isthmus, was ratified yesterday by the honorable junta of the provisional government of the Republic, resolves:

To advise that honorable body that the municipal council of Taboga, faithfully interpreting the aspirations of the people it represents, has noted with satisfaction that the aforesaid treaty has been ratified, a fact which meets a universal need, and it presents to the honorable junta for this reason its most cordial congratulations.

Let a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the honorable junta, and let it be published.

Taboga, December 3, 1903.

The president of the council,

Prospero Beluche.

The vice-president,

Felipe Salinas.


José A. Rivera.


José Mercedes Casal.


Melchor Rivera E.

The acting secretary,

Juan N. Rivera P.

Advice No. 2 (December 5, 1903), by which approval is given.

The municipal council of Gatun, considering:

That on the 2d instant the treaty negotiated at Washington on the 18th of November last for the construction of an interoceanic canal was approved by the junta of the provisional government of Panama;

That in this contract the independence of the Republic of Panama is guaranteed by the Government of the United States;

That for reasons of external security it is indispensable to proceed with dispatch in the approval of the treaty;

That by virtue of the treaty the aspiration of the people of the Isthmus of Panama is realized that the canal shall be built for its own benefit and for the advancement of universal commerce, it is agreed:

Sole article. To approve the treaty entered into between His Excellency Mr. Felipe Bunau-Varilla, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama, and His Excellency Mr. John Hay, Secretary of State of the Republic of the United States of America.

Given at Gatun the 5th of December, 1903.

The president of the council,

H. Herrera R.

The secretary,

U. Sanguillén A.

Office of the Mayor,
District of Gatun, December 5, 1903.


The mayor,

José G. Salazar.

The secretary,

U. Sanguillén A.

[Page 342]

At the capital of the municipal district of Rio Jesus, 3d day of December, 1903, at 3 p.m., in the municipal hall, the municipal council met with an attendance of all its principal members: Messrs. Santos Guevara, president; José C. Cruz, vice-president; Diego Lopez, Santiago Bernal, and José D. Mendoza, acting secretary.

The session being called to order, the president advised the board of the object of the meeting and placed before them the telegram from the minister of justice. Whereupon the member, Diego Lopez, had the floor and proposed the following motion:

“The municipal council of the district of Rio Jesus, interpreting the desires of the constituent people, freely and voluntarily

Resolves, To give its vote of approval to the government junta of the approval it has given of the canal treaty, and to extend to it every aid.

“Let this be communicated to whom it may concern, and let it be published.”

Being submitted to discussion the resolution was unanimously adopted.

In conformity with the custom the present act is copied and is signed by all the members.

The president,

Santos Guevara.

The vice-president,

José C. Cruz.


Diego Lopez

S. Bernal.


José D. Mendoza.

To the Government Junta, Panama:

The undersigned, residents of Soná, notwithstanding the fact that it does not clearly comprehend the difficulties and dangers between Colombia and Panama relative to the construction of an interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of that name, because the former country has no right to treat of a matter which does not pertain to it, since the Isthmus has separated itself from Colombia with the consent of all its citizens, and has proclaimed itself an independent Republic under the protection of the United States of the north, and now recognized as such by the greater part of the European powers; and notwithstanding that, by our adhesion to the act of independence of the Isthmus, signed in the city of Panama the 4th of November last, we gave tacit approval to all acts which in the future, and until a regular government is formed, should be effected by the most excellent government junta which to-day so ably watches over the destinies of this Republic, we certify anew by this present act our most ample and unconditional approval of the treaty for the opening of an interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama, signed at Washington by the Governments of the United States of the north and of Panama, the only Governments having any right to deal with the subject.

Soná, December 2, 1903.

E. Abadía, A. Grajales, José F. Calviño, Demetrio Dutari, Dionisio Sosa, José Maria Dutari, Casimiro Bal, Milciades, Calviño, Julio M. Ramirez, José F. Calviño B., Luis Romero G., Modesto Dutari F. Ortiz, Arcesio Grajales, Alcides Grajales, Aníbal Grajales, Aníbal Arosemena, J. M. Dutari A., Rogelio García, M. H. Arosemena, Ezequiel Calviño, Rodolfo L. Castrellón, L. Castrellón, U. Tristán Roberto Dutari, Gustavo Bal, J. F. Palacios, Belisario Sosa, José N. Ortiz, Daniel Abrego, C. Arosemena A., Andrónico Benavides, José F. Sánchez, Carlos B. Ortiz, F. Ortiz A., Balbino Alvarado, Manuel S. Benavides, Baltazar Abrego, Ezequiel Sánchez, Fidel Sánchez Q., Norberto Mérida, Eusebio Escarreola, Benedicto Pinilla, José del C. Alvarado, Modesto Escartin, Arquimedes Arosemena, Armando Rosa, Bias F. Araúz, Bernardo Arosemena, Manuel Robles G., Manuel H. Arosemena C, José Félix Sosa, Manuel del C. Benavides, Manuel S. Reyes, Enrique Urdaneta, Francisco Arosemena, Miguel Amores, Francisco Adames, Tiburcio Adames, Alberta Abrego, Liborio Abrego, Antonio Quintero, Baldomero Botacio, Manuel María Arosemena, Samuel Arosemena, Tiverio Ortiz, Juan C. Berguido.

The municipal council of the district of San Francisco, in representation of the constituent people, being informed of the ratification of the treaty with the United States of North America concerning the opening of the canal in the zone of the Isthmus of Panama,

[Page 343]

Resolves, To extend its most sincere congratulations and applause to the government junta and commissioners in Washington for the happy and speedy way in which that treaty has been consummated, as it will assure the existence of the Republic of Panama.

San Francisco, December 3, 1903.

The President,

D. Rodriquez.


Valerio Barrera.

Manuel de J. Palma.

José de la E. Merida.


Ladislao Rodríguez.


Being highly interested in the definitive consummation of the canal treaty which has been negotiated between the Governments of Panama and the United States of North America, we, the undersigned residents of the district of Rio Jesus, hasten to inform the most excellent government junta of our Republic and its honorable ministers that we approve the most important act of ratification given in Panama to this treaty, day before yesterday, of which we have been advised by telegraph.

Adolfo Herrera.

Santos Cruz M.

José Cruz.

Manuel Doblas.

Tomás Escartín.

José E. Bustamante.

Bernardino Escartín.

Emilio Escartín.

Aquilíno Guevara.

José D. Menda.

Sacramento Castillo C.

Delfin Herrera.

Celedonio Monroy.

[seal.] consulate-general of the united states of america. [seal.]

Republic of Panama,
Panama, December 24, 1903.

I, H. A. Gudger, consul-general of the United States of America for Panama and the dependencies thereof, do hereby certify that I have examined carefully the original documents in the office of the General Government at Panama, sent in by the municipalities of Buenavista, Portobelo, David, Las Palmas, La Mesa, Taboga, Gatun, Rio Jesus, San Francisco, and citizens of La Mesa, Sona, and Rio Jesus, approving the action of the provisional government or junta in ratifying the canal treaty with the United States of America, and that I have compared these original documents with those set forth in the printed sheet of the Gaceta Oficial, Numero Extraordinario, dated December 16, 1903, and to which this certificate is attached, and that the publications therein set forth in printed form from the above municipalities and citizens are true, correct, and perfect copies of the original documents on file in the office of the Government of the Republic of Panama.

In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of this consulategeneral this the 24th day of December, 1903.

H. A. Gudger,
United States Consul-General.