Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay.
(Received 11th, 12.30 a.m.)
I am desired to inform you by General Reyes that Gen. Bedronel Ospina and Lucas Cabellero, prominent party leaders, accompany him on his mission.
Very great excitement here. Large crowds paraded streets yesterday, crying “Down with Marroquin.” Mass meeting denounced him; called for a change of government. Hundreds gathered at the palace, and their orator, a prominent national general, addressed the President, calling for his resignation. Troops dispersed gathering, wounding several. Martial law is declared here, and the city is being guarded by soldiers. Legation of the United States under strong guard, but apparently no indications of hostile demonstration.
The residence of Lorenzo Marroquin attacked with stones.
Referring to the questions presented by minister for foreign affairs in my telegram of 7th, I have preserved silence, but bear in mind page 578, Foreign Relations, part 3, 1866, and instructions 134 to minister to the United States of Colombia, 1865.