Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Hay.
(Received 10th, 7.30 p.m.)
General Reyes leaves next Monday for Panama, invested with full powers. He has telegraphed chiefs of the insurrection that his mission is to the interests of Isthmus. He wishes answer from you, before leaving, to the inquiry in my telegram of yesterday, and wishes to know if the American commander will be ordered to cooperate with him and with new Panama Government to arrange peace and the [Page 242] approval of canal treaty, which will be accepted on condition that the integrity of Colombia be preserved. He has telegraphed President of Mexico to ask the Government of the United States and all the countries represented at the Pan-American conference to aid Colombia to preserve her integrity. The question of the approval of the treaty mentioned in my telegram of yesterday will be arranged in Panama. He asks that before taking definite action you will await his arrival there, and that the Government of the United States in the meantime preserve the neutrality and transit of the Isthmus and do not recognize the new Government. Great excitement here. Martial law has been declared in the Cauca and Panama. Answer.