Mr. Hay to Mr. Beaupré.

No. 15.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 6, confidential. of April 15, last, in regard to the Panama Canal Convention.

Your report has been read with much interest.

[Page 146]

The Department expects you to keep it fully informed respecting the situation in Bogotá and Colombia, so far as the ratification of the treaty is concerned.

From your long residence there you ought to be in a position to be in close touch with every phase of the situation and to know and understand the intricacies of Colombian politics as they may bear upon the very important question at issue. The Department desires all of the pertinent, accurate information that it can obtain, and wants it promptly. You should, when the time seems opportune, in so far as you discreetly and properly may, exert your influence in favor of ratification. It is also expected that you will know what hostile influences, if any, are at work against the ratification of the treaty, and whether or not there is opposition to it from European sources. The situation is seemingly a grave one, but the Department has confidence that you will rise to the full measure of its requirements.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

John Hay.