Mr. Hay to Mr. Storer.

No. 56.]

Sir: Referring to my instruction of the 14th instant, I inclose a copy of a further letter from Charles Strauss, relating to the certificate stated to be required from this Department that Austro-Hungarian subjects are free to engage in commerce in this country.

I am, etc.,

John Hay.
[Page 18]

Mr. Strauss to Mr. Hay.

Dear Sir: I have received your favor informing me that you would communicate with the American representative at Vienna in regard to the form of certificate required to show that Austrian subjects are admitted to trade in the United States.

I am informed by my correspondent at Vienna that a mere statement to the effect that Austrian subjects are admitted to trade in the United States will be sufficient, the purpose being merely to assure and preserve relations of reciprocity between the citizens of the two countries. I desire to make clear that the only purpose of the certificate is in connection with the application of John Underwood & Co., dealers in typewriter supplies, to be permitted to open a branch of their business at Vienna.

If, in view of this statement of facts, the delay of awaiting communication from abroad can be avoided we should be very glad, as otherwise we are subjected to much inconvenience and possible loss.

I have, etc.,

Chas. Strauss.