Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu.
Washington, January 14, 1901.
Sir: Referring to your note, No. 199, of November 30 last, calling attention to the case of Yip Wah, a Chinese subject, claiming to be a student, whose right to remain in the United States is denied by the collector of customs at San Francisco, and referring also to that part of the Department’s note in reply, No. 163, of the 5th ultimo, in which you were informed that the substance of your note had been communicated to the Secretary of the Treasury for his consideration, I have the honor to inform you that the Department is in receipt of a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury dated the 10th ultimo, in which, after expressing his regret, in which regret this Department shares, that the action of the Treasury Department in the case does not meet with your views, he says that that Department does not feel that it could with propriety or in accordance with law modify or reverse the decisions complained of.
Accept, etc.,