Mr. Leishman to Mr. Hay.

No. 60.]

Sir: With reference to my dispatch No. 52, of the 5th instant, I have the honor to transmit herewith for your information a copy of a letter which I have just received from Mr. Edwin Gilbertson, British consul at Broussa, which may add somewhat to the evidence which I have placed before the Department relative to the advisability of joint action between British and American consulates throughout the Ottoman Empire.

I have, etc.,

John G. A. Leishman.

Mr. Gilbertson to Mr. Irishman.


* * * * * * *

While writing to your excellency I take the opportunity of calling your attention to the fact that although the British Government authorized its consuls to give friendly assistance and support to American citizens in places where there is no United States representative, and which they have done for the last twenty years, the local authorities have lately, under the pretext that they have no order from the minister of foreign affairs to recognize us as being in charge of American interests, commenced not only to contest our right to assist American citizens, but insist upon the latter applying directly to them for any assistance they may need.

Under these circumstances your excellency will no doubt see the necessity of instructions being sent to the vali in the sense required.

* * * * * * *

I am, etc.,

Edwin Gilbertson.