Mr. Hay to Mr. Pioda.
Washington, April 19, 1901.
Sir: Referring to a notea from your legation of August 31, 1897, I have the honor to say that, according to a dispatch from Mr. Long, the agent and consul-general of the United States at Cairo, No. 116, of March 22, 1901, he has been formally requested by Dr. Edouard Cérésole and Mr. A. du Souchet, citizens of Switzerland, residing at Alexandria and Cairo, respectively, to be placed under the protection of the representatives of the United States at those cities. Mr. Long has replied to these gentlemen stating that in conformity with the authorization of the Department’s instructionsa No. 15, of September 7, 1897 (reference to which is made in its note to Mr. Vogel of that date), the representatives of the United States at those places would be glad to use their personal and nonofficial good offices, with the consent of the Egyptian Government, in their behalf should occasion arise.
In the absence of a formal request from the Swiss Government, such as was presented on behalf of Mr. Reinhart, I can only say that, if agreeable to it, I shall take pleasure in causing Mr. Long’s disposition of the two cases to be approved.
Accept, etc.,