
notice to american citizens formerly subjects of russia who contemplate returning to that country.

The information given below is believed to be correct, yet is not to be considered as official, as it relates to the laws and regulations of a foreign country.

A Russian is enrolled for military service at the beginning of the twenty-first year of his age, and remains on the rolls to the end of his forty-third year; but at the age of 15 he is considered to be among those who are liable to perform military service, and he can not, after reaching that age, ask for permission to become a citizen of a foreign country, unless he has performed his military service. A Russian who becomes a citizen of another country without Imperial consent is liable under Russian law to the loss of all his civil rights and to perpetual banishment from the Empire. If he returns he is liable to deportation to Siberia. When a Russian emigrates before he is 15 years old, and subsequently becomes a citizen of another country, he is equally liable to punishment, unless when he attained the age of 21 years he took steps necessary to obtain the consent of the Emperor to his expatriation.

Naturalized Americans of Russian birth, of the Jewish race, are not allowed to enter Russia except by special permission. For this, they may apply to the minister of the interior, but the Department can not act as intermediary in making the application.

There is no treaty between the United States and Russia defining the status of American citizens of Russian birth upon their return to Russia.

No one is admitted to Russia without a passport. It must be visaed by a Russian diplomatic or consular representative. Upon entering Russia it should be shown at the first Government house, and the holder will be given another passport or permit of sojourn. At least twenty-four hours before departure from Russia this permit should be presented and a passport of departure will be granted and the original passport returned. A fresh permit to remain in Russia must be obtained every six months.