Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hay.

No. 323.]

Sir: Referring to the subject of my No. 318, of the 2d instant—the attack upon the Baptist mission church in Nictheroy—I have the honor to report the gratifying information that, as promised me by General Bocayuva, the president of the state, the authorities of Rio de Janerio promptly paid the amount of damages demanded by the American Baptist Society for the destruction of their property by the mob. In [Page 30] confirmation hereof I inclose a copy of a letter from Rev. W. E. Entzminger.

I have, etc.,

Charles Page Bryan.

Mr. Entzminger to Mr. Bryan.

My Dear Sir: It becomes my delightful duty to inform you that the matter between myself and the president of the State of Rio, His Excellency Gen. Quintino Bocayuva, was promptly and satisfactorily dispatched by his excellency.

I take occasion to once more express my hearty appreciation, and to return thanks for your very kind offices.

Very respectfully,

W. E. Entzminger.