Mr. Tyler to Mr. Hay.
Teheran, September 16, 1901.
Sir: On Saturday, the 14th instant, about half past 4 in the afternoon, I received your telegram announcing that the President died at a quarter past 2 on the night of the 14th.
I immediately wrote out a notification and sent a copy to the foreign minister with a request that he would lay it before His Majesty the Shah. * * * The Shah sent one of his sons-in-law, a personage of high distinction, and whom I have known some years. He was [Page 425] instructed to say that His Majesty was greatly affected at the receipt of this sad intelligence, and that he considered the grief and loss of the American Government and people was his own, and that they had his truest and most-genuine sympathy. * * *
I have, etc.,
Vice Consul-General, in Charge.