Mr. Hay to Mr. Takahira.
Washington, June 22, 1901.
Sir: Referring to your note No. 13, of the 7th instant, in further relation to the deportation from Seattle, State of Washington, of two parties of Japanese immigrants in March last, I have the honor to inform you that the Department is in receipt of a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, dated the 17th instant, in answer to the Department’s letter of the 12th instant, sending to him for his consideration a copy of your said note.
[Page 371]In his letter the Secretary of the Treasury says:
In response to the further statement of the minister the Department can only reiterate its original averment to the effect that, so far as it is aware, there is no discrimination made between immigrants from Japan and those from other countries, the provisions of the law giving authority for no such discrimination, and the Department itself having no justification to offer therefor if such discrimination is shown by its officials. It submits, furthermore, that the accompanying note of the Japanese minister, while it offered just cause of complaint upon other grounds, failed to show such a discrimination with respect to the points suggested.
Respecting the present grounds of complaint, further inquiry will be made and the result thereof, in due course of time, will be transmitted to the Japanese minister through your Department.
Accept, etc.,