Signor Carignani to Mr. Adee.


Mr. Acting Secretary of State: I deemed it expedient, for the purpose of facilitating the measures taken to find the principals of the lynching at Erwin, Miss., to sum up, in my notes of July 24 and 30, the result of the investigations conducted on the spot by the direction of the royal consulate at New Orleans. Dr. Hill assured me that these notes had been promptly communicated to the governor of Mississippi. These notes, by reason of the important data they contain, place the local authorities in a position to detect the murderers.

Being still without a reply, I beg your most illustrious lordship to be good enough courteously to call upon the governor for information concerning the outcome of the action taken by him.

As you will understand, every delay in the execution of such action makes it more difficult to attain the end desired by the Government of the King and that of the United States.

Be pleased, etc.,
