Signor Carignani to Mr. Hay.


Mr. Secretary of State: As I had the honor to tell you a short time ago, two Italians were attacked on the 11th (?) instant and killed by an armed mob, while a third was wounded, under circumstances which constituted a lynching. The names of the victims were Giovanni and Vincenzo Serio, and that of the wounded man is Salvatore Liberto, all of them being natives of Cefalu, Sicily. The crime was committed at Erwin, Miss.

The serious nature of this case will not escape the attention of the United States Government, and, deeply deploring what has occurred, I beg your excellency to be pleased to instruct the proper authorities to the end that an official investigation of this matter may be held at once, if possible, and that the guilty parties may be arrested and punished according to law.

I have, at the same time, the honor to make a warm appeal to the good will and the sentiments of justice and humanity of the Federal Government, and I trust that efficient steps will be taken without delay in the county where the crime was committed with a view to securing to our countrymen the protection to which they are entitled by the treaties in force between Italy and the United States.

Permit me to rely upon the support which you have been pleased to promise me in this unfortunate matter, and I beg you, Mr. Secretary of State, to accept the assurance of my highest consideration.
