Mr. Hill to Mr. Powell.

No. 455.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 860, of the 26th ultimo, reporting that Mr. Julienne Guilloid had applied to you for registration as an American citizen. He was born in Haiti, has never been in the United States, is 23 years old, and expresses no intention of coming to this country. He claims through his father, who left the United States forty-one years ago, has never returned, and whose only evidence of American citizenship is a paper under the seal of the State of Louisiana, and signed by the governor thereof, in which he is styled a resident of the State of Louisiana.

In view of the presumption that the father of the applicant has practically abandoned his United States citizenship, if he ever possessed it, and of the further fact that the applicant expresses no intention of ever coming to the United States to reside, the Department considers that your action is correct in declining to register him as a citizen of the United States.

I am, etc.,

David J. Hill,
Acting Secretary.