Mr. Hay to Mr. Hunter.
Washington, April 9, 1901.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 519, of the 16th ultimo, containing a report of your investigation of the claim of Siegfried Koenigsberger against Guatemala for certain moneys belonging to him and his brother confiscated by the Guatemalan customs authorities, and for the annoyance and loss attendant upon the action complained of.
You express the opinion that Koenigsberger has no ground of complaint, that he is not entiled to recover the silver confiscated, and that he may consider himself fortunate in having escaped penal proceedings to which he was liable.
The Department concurs in your conclusion. Accordingly a letter has been addressed to Mr. Koenigsberger this day, informing him that after a thorough investigation of the case by both the diplomatic and consular representatives of this Government in Guatemala the Department is of the opinion that the confiscation of the silver, and his arrest by the Guatemalan authorities were in accordance with the Guatemalan law, and that he has no just ground for complaint.
I am, etc.,