Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate.

No. 669.]

Sir: I inclose herewith, for a compliance with its request, copy of a letter from the Acting Secretary of the Navy asking that the thanks of the Navy Department be extended to the lord provost of Edinburgh and the provost of Leith, Scotland, for the great courtesies with which the officers and men of the Hartford were received on visiting Leith in June last.

I am, etc.,

John Hay.

Mr. Hackett to Mr. Hay.

Sir: I have the honor to request that, if deemed proper by the Department of State, the thanks of this Department be extended to the lord provost of Edinburgh and the provost of Leith, Scotland, for the great courtesies with which the officers and men of the Hartford were received on visiting Leith during June last.

Yours, respectfully,

T. W. Hackett, Acting Secretary.