Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay.

No. 511.]

Sir: With reference to your instruction No. 536 of the 29th ultimo, transmitting an engrossed copy of the resolution adopted by the United States Senate, relating to the death of Queen Victoria, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a note from Lord Lansdowne expressing the appreciation of the King and his thanks for this mark of respect shown by the Senate to the memory of the late Queen.

I have, etc.,

Joseph H. Choate.

Lord Lansdowne to Mr. Choate.

Your Excellency: The prime minister duly laid before the King the copy of the resolution of the Senate of the United States of America which your excellency forwarded in your note to me of the 8th instant.

[Page 213]

By command of the King, I am to request your excellency to be so kind as to express to the President of the Senate His Majesty’s most sincere thanks for the mark of respect shown by the Senate of the United States to the memory of her deeply lamented Majesty Queen Victoria, Empress of India.

The terms of the resolution are highly appreciated by His Majesty.

I have, etc.,
