Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay.

No. 503.]

Sir: With reference to your instruction No. 526 of the 7th ultimo, I have the honor to inclose herewith the copy of a note from Lord Lansdowne, in which it is stated that His Majesty’s Government will have pleasure in acceding to the wish of our Government that His Majesty’s consul at Boma may be authorized to take charge of American interests in the Kongo Free State until such time as consular representatives can be provided for by action of the Congress of the United States.

I have, etc.,

Joseph H. Choate.

Lord Lansdowne to Mr. Choate.

Your Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note of the 22d ultimo, requesting that His Majesty’s consul at Boma may be authorized to take charge of American interests in the Kongo Free State until such time as consular representation can be provided for by the action of the Congress of the United States.

In reply I have to state that His Majesty’s Government have much pleasure in acceding to the wish of the United States Government, and that instructions will be given to Mr. Casement, His Majesty’s consul, in accordance with your excellency’s request.

I have, etc.,
