Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay.
Berlin, September 25, 1901.
Sir: I have the honor to report that the new port of Emden has now been opened without any great formality. It is announced in last night’s Reichs-Anzeiger that this port can now accommodate the largest seagoing ships. The inner harbor (Binnenhafen) has everywhere a depth of more than 6 meters, while the depth of the outer harbor at mean high water is more than 11 meters, so that it can accommodate ships drawing 8.2 meters at all times. The harbor will be kept open in winter, and the channel of the Ems, from Emden to the sea, is to be made 10 meters deep. Quays have been built in the outer harbor, and electric cranes, coaling chutes, etc., have been provided. The outer harbor is a free harbor, and provision has been made for the loading and unloading of goods, and for storage, with comparatively little supervision by the customs authorities.
I have, etc.,