Mr. Storer to Mr. Hay.

No. 199.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that on the evening of the 28th I received a semiofficial letter from the minister of foreign affairs, of which I send a translation herewith.

I immediately cabled you as follows:

Official promulgation to-day of decree repealing interdiction of importation of American cattle. Repeal takes effect May 31.

[Page 93]

To-day I have received an official communication from the minister of foreign affairs, of which I also forward a copy and a translation.

I also forward, as part of this dispatch, three copies of the decree spoken of in the communication of the minister of foreign affairs, and which reads in English as follows:

Sanitary Inspection of Domestic Animals.

importation of cattle coming from the united states.

In view of the law of December 30, 1882, on the sanitary inspection of domestic animals, as well as the general rules of administration framed to carry this law into effect;* * *

And in view of the royal decree of 22d January, 1897, fixing the conditions under which animals shipped from all countries beyond the sea may be imported, and considering the ministerial decree of the 29th of December, 1894, which prohibits the importation of all cattle shipped from the United States of America * * * And in consideration of the opinion of the veterinary inspection officers, it is decreed as follows:

From and after the 31st of May, 1899, the aforesaid decree of the 29th of December, 1894, interdicting the importation or the transit of cattle coming from the United States of America, is hereby repealed.

Brussels, May 25, 1899.

I also forward as an inclosure to this dispatch three copies of the royal decree governing all importation of cattle, which bears date May 25, 1899.

Owing to the pressure of business, I have not been able to transmit a translation of this decree.

I have, etc.,

Bellamy Storer.
[Inclosure 1—Translation.]

Minister of Foreign Affairs to Mr. Storer.

My Dear Minister: I have the honor to inform you that the Moniteur of to-day will contain the information that the Government has raised the interdiction of the importation of cattle from the United States.

I am much delighted that this measure, in the realization of which you have so powerfully assisted, has been brought about before your departure from Brussels.

De Favereau.
[Inclosure 2—Translation.]

The Minister of Foreign Affairs to Mr. Storer.

Sir: I hasten to inform your excellency that, by a decree bearing date 25th of May of this year, the minister of agriculture and public works has repealed his former decree of the 29th of December, 1894, which interdicted the importation and the transit of all cattle coming from the United States of America.

[Page 94]

From and after the 31st of May all such animals will be submitted, on entering Belgium, to the requirements of the royal decree of the 22d day of January, 1897, which contains the provisions applicable to cattle coming from all countries lying beyond the seas.

I have the honor to place at the disposition of your excellency a copy of the Moniteur Beige, of 28th of May, which gives the text of this ministerial decree of the 25th of May, 1899.

I have instructed by telegraph the minister of the King at Washington to inform the American Government of this step.

I take this occasion to renew to your excellency the assurance, etc.,

De Favereau.