Mr. Hay to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, July 10,
No. 7.]
Sir: I inclose for your information a
communication from the Secretary of Agriculture, inclosing copies of
letters from Messrs. Patterson Ramsay & Co., of Baltimore, and
Messrs. Ronaldson & Co., of Antwerp, from which it appears that the
Belgian Government requires that cattle shall be transported to the
slaughterhouse in vehicles and slaughtered within three days from
landing, so that notwithstanding the decree removing the prohibition
against American cattle, such animals are still practically
In this connection, your attention is called to the Department’s
instructions to Mr. Storer, in which the precise points raised by this
letter of the Secretary of Agriculture were presented for the action of
the Belgian Government.
Referring to the previous correspondence in regard to the matter, and
with regard particularly to the Department’s instructions, No. 251, of
April 19, and No. 254, of May 29, 1899, and to Mr. Storer’s dispatches,
No. 185, of March 29, and No. 190, of May 13, 1899, you are instructed
to urge upon the Belgian Government such a modification of the rules
governing the importation of American cattle as will allow them to be
killed within ten days from landing, that period being necessary to
allow the recovery of the animals from the effects of the ocean
I am, etc.,
Mr. Wilson to
Mr. Hay.
Department of Agriculture,
Washington, June 28,
Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your
information copies of letters from Messrs. Patterson, Ramsay &
Co., steamship agents and brokers, Baltimore, Md., and Messrs Thomas
Ronaldson & Co., Antwerp, Belgium, in regard to the exportation
of American cattle to Belgium under the present regulations of the
Belgian Government.
[Page 95]
It appears that the requirements that the cattle shall be slaughtered
within three days from landing, and that they shall be transported
to the slaughterhouse in vehicles, are such that they can not be
complied with by importers, and that notwithstanding the decree
removing the prohibition against American cattle such animals are
still practically prohibited.
As the Belgian Government has shown a disposition to admit American
cattle, I would request that this matter be at once brought to the
attention of the Government through our minister, and that urgent
representations be made for more liberal regulations.
In England our cattle may be killed any time within ten days from
landing, and this period is necessary to allow the recovery of the
cattle from the effects of the ocean voyage. Three days is entirely
too short a period for this, and does not give the shippers time to
make favorable arrangements in regard to the sale of the animals. If
the cattle can be safely landed on Belgian soil and held for three
days, they can just as safely be held for ten days. Arrangements
should also be made by which the cattle can be driven to the
slaughterhouses, as the expense and trouble of taking beef cattle in
vehicles is such that it would prevent any trade developing.
I have, etc.,
[Subinclosure 1.]
Patterson, Ramsay &
Co. to Department of
Baltimore, June 27,
Dear Sir: Referring to the negotiations
that have been going on between the United States Government and the
Belgian Government with regard to the importation of cattle into
Belgium, we inclose copy of letter just received from our Antwerp
agents, which fully explains the situation as it stands to-day.
The alleged concessions made by the Belgian Government amount
practically to nothing, as no American exporter will, under such
circumstances, dream of taking space for the port of Antwerp.
The letter of our friends, which we inclose, gives you the situation
in full, and we beg that you will put this matter before the
Secretary and have him take it up in the proper quarter, so that
some steps may be taken to remove the restrictions that are placed
on this important traffic.
If they can not get the same regulation that applies in England,
something like such a concession, in our judgment, ought to be
demanded, and, if the United States Government can obtain this, they
will be conferring an obligation on the cattle exporters and the
steamship lines engaged in this Belgian trade, as well as helping to
foster an industry which is growing daily.
If you deem it wiser, one of our firm will come to Washington to see
either you or the Secretary as may be deemed best.
Trusting to hear from you, etc.,
Patterson, Ramsay & Co.
[Page 96]
[Subinclosure 2.]
Thomas Ronaldson &
Co. to Patterson, Ramsay &
Dear Sirs: Further referring to what we
have already written you on this important subject, we are doing our
utmost to get our authorities here to increase the limit of time in
which the cattle have to be slaughtered after arrival. Our importers
inform us that if they were allowed ten days shipments could then be
resumed. Unfortunately, our Government is formed of the conservative
party, amongst whom the agriculturalists are very numerous and
powerful, and they are not at all anxious to facilitate the
importation of cattle. If they have withdrawn the prohibition, and
stipulated that the cattle must be slaughtered within three days, we
believe this must have been mainly owing to the pressure brought to
bear on them by your authorities. We would point out that the
importation of United States cattle is now under exactly the same
regulations as those coming from South America; hence we fear it
will be difficult for your Washington friends or our importers here
to get the Government to grant extra facilities in favor of the
importation of cattle from your country. However, we are of opinion
that the pressure must come from your side, although, of course, we
will do everything in our power to support your efforts. We would
therefore suggest your once more taking the matter up energetically
with your Government, pointing out that the concession that has been
made here is a mere farce and laughing stock and is no concession
whatever. We feel sure that your authorities, when their attention
is called to same, can not fail to see that in the eyes of everyone
on this side it is a downright insult to the United States, seeing
that the restriction imposed by the Belgian Government that the
cattle are to be slaughtered within three days of arrival, and are
not to be allowed to be driven from the ship to the abattoirs, but
have to be conveyed in carts, make all importations and business in
cattle impossible. We shall be glad to hear that you have taken up
matters in accordance with the foregoing, and trust you will soon be
able to report satisfactory results.
Yours, faithfully,
Thos. Ronaldson & Co.