Mr. Lee to Mr. Rockhill.

No. 118.]

Sir: I transmit herewith copy translation of a note from Captain-General Weyler relative to the quarters in the Cabaña fortress occupied by the Competitor prisoners.

I am, etc.,

Fitzhugh Lee.
[Page 740]
[Inclosure in No. 118.]

Captain-General Valeriano Weyler to Mr. Lee.

Sir: In continuation of my official note of the 14th August last, I have the honor to state that, as I am informed by the general governor of the Cabaña fortress, the American citizens that belonged to the schooner Competitor occupy the casemates (calabozos) Nos. 41 and 42 of said fortress, which are the ones that are best conditioned among those in the fort.

God guard you many years.

Valeriano Weyler.